18: Take Care

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Thunder clapped against dark grey skies, rain pouring down from the clouds above that pattered and pelted the windows in a curtain of an unending shower. Looking out from one such window was Midoriya who peered through whatever breaks in the water he could peer through and look out to the rest of the city from his guest bedroom. Safe to say there wasn't much for him to see in the first place, anybody who was willing to be outside during a storm like this could only have a wish to sicken themselves with an illness. So instead he merely watched the nonstop falling of water that slapped his window and sounded like it was about to smash through the glass itself.

Tonight was the last night he would spend in Miruko's home, for tomorrow morning would bring about his departure of this internship and back to the pits of agony that is school. U.A's an excellent institution and all but school was still school no matter the name. For the past two days ever since his conversation with All Might over the phone that led to a shocking claim of a week's worth of evidence Midoriya couldn't bring himself to spend anymore time around the Rabbit than he needs to. He fears something would change more drastically than it already has since that day, and that change very well has the potential to spell out a dangerous situation for him. They ate together for breakfast lunch and dinner but there was scarce contact between the two of them, a tense silence was the only common thing shared between the two of them on a frequent basis.

His feelings towards Miruko have evolved into something romantic? A question so large in scale it made him wonder why his heart and mind were operating on two different mechanisms. His heart said yes and his mind said no kind of situation, and he hated it. Looking over the evidence for himself he can understand why All Might would make the level of claim that he did, it's so obvious it made him feel like he was stupid beyond belief. But feelings were one thing and thoughts were another, and right now both were having an all-out war with each other in the battlefield of his body. It was draining to think about one thing while also feeling about the complete opposite of what he was thinking at the same time. If he knew this sort of topic would be so tiring he would've done his best to NOT let his heart fall so deeply.

Sighing he stepped away from the window and towards his bed where at the foot of it were majority of his belongings all packed and ready for his leave tomorrow. The only items not stowed away were a change of clothes for tonight along with his school uniform that he'll put on in the morning. This internship in it's total was both high and low, there was a lot more that he wished could have been done but recovering always managed to find a way in stunting his progression. Thanks to the neighbor's Quirk along with Recovery Girl mobility in his right arm was much more free than it was the day after the Hosu incident. It still hurt him like Hell to raise the arm over his head but it's a lot better than it was days before so he's not complaining.

He wouldn't say he's shut himself in the guest bedroom, but then again he does spend majority of his time in there since he fears what sort of stupid action he'll do if he were to amount too much contact with the Rabbit of the house. It's odd, he never thought he would avoid somebody so much that he would want nothing more than to speak with them again. On one hand he thinks it best to stay as far away from Miruko as possible to avoid anything deemed unnecessary but on the other hand he wants to be there with her. It didn't matter really what it was he would do, whether it be talking or watching her exercise or SOMETHING, at this point anything would be good enough for him. But again it all went back to the battle going on inside.

Yes, something romantic would be a pleasant thing to think about he's not stupid to say otherwise. She's a beautiful woman with a beautiful body, a great headstrong personality and the kind of strength that tells him he needn't worry about her too much. But while that's all sunshine rainbows and gummy bears, the nighttime storm clouds and sour worms lie in the fear that something such as this would no doubt shine Miruko's career in a limelight like no other.

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