11: A Memory Singed

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"UHHHHH...." Midoriya sounded, head tilted all the way back with eyes going straight up. Reason being for this was due to Miruko standing at the very top of a large multi-floor building as her student stood on the adjacent rooftop of a much smaller building. "Are you sure about this?!"

"Of course I'm sure you think I'm stupid or what?!" The woman yelled back, her voice faded and a bit faint from the huge height distance between them. "Quit dicking around down there and get up here! If I can do it then you can too with that Quirk of yours quit worrying about whether or not you'll make it!"

'You think I'm worried about making it?! I'm worried about not being able to get the pressure right.'

"Look it's easy, but at the same time it's not! What you're gonna do is back up to the other edge and take off into a running start, then once your a little over halfways across you're gonna jump and land onto that small little platform on the second floor. THEN once you do that, you're gonna jump from that platform onto the next, and so on until you get up here. You could take it slow for this first time but eventually you're gonna have to get used to rapidly jumping up to each platform without stopping. Don't worry! If you fall and splatter onto the roof at least it's quick!"

'Thanks for the motivation of me turning into a human water balloon.' He thought, backstepping away from the tall building and back to the other edge of the rooftop. 'Cause that's gonna help in this situation.'


"N-No ma'am!"

"That's what I thought."

Midoriya squatted down, leaning on both sides of the balance spectrum to stretch out his legs. Five floors. He had to start from his current spot on the first floor and end up at the very top of the roof where Miruko stood which was five daunting floors up to the sixth. On paper it didn't seem that difficult but technicality wise it was a nightmare for him as it required careful placement of his power and just the right amount of force to keep himself from falling and go SPLAT. He knows Miruko would be there to catch him if things go south but he didn't want this go south. He wanted this to be done without failing.

On each floor were thick, solid black platforms that lined the outside of the large building and each platform was right over the top of the other. When Miruko had done it she performed her movements so flawlessly and so smoothly, but now when he's about to do it? This is going to look all sorts of shifty. For starters the fact that each platform was perfectly hung over the other meant there was a small bit of overhang for him to deal with, so in each of his leaps there's going to be a very subtle curve that he'll have to get around. He can't just go straight up otherwise bonking his forehead into the bottom of the other platform so this will take a good bit of careful execution.

Right now, he figured that the best way to go about this for his first time would be to hop, pause on the platform, adjust, hop up onto the next, rinse and repeat. It's slow and time consuming but he'd rather that on his first time than to have himself be scraped off of the lower rooftop or even sidewalk for that matter. Kami forbid he traumatize a citizen going home for work in seeing a human puddle of a 17 year old. It wasn't Halloween quite yet.

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