26: Over The Years

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"You and me, right here right now." Miruko stated. "We're doing it. Weenie in the buns let's go."

"HUH?!" Midoriya exclaimed with his eyes practically on the verge of popping out of his skull. Neurons fired on all pistons throughout his brain with his heart jumping instantly from zero to 100 MPH. "WHAT?! R-R-R-Rumi!"

"R-R-R-Raise?! What you got a hearing problem or something? What's so hard to comprehend what I just said?"

"EVERYTHING! Y-You want me to-...t-to....T-TO-"


"Yes! That!"

"DUHH! I just said that didn't I?"

"I-I'm so confused this is so sudden a-and out of the blue. I mean....I don't....I-I'm not disgusted by the idea I love you after all. But, now?"

"YES. NOW. And it's your fault for me being like this." Miruko replied before turning away from the student and walking back to the stairs. The subject of sex and an already rattled mind caused his eyes to look down at the rump that she purposely flaunted with flair in her jean shorts, looking as much as he could before she turned again and plopped it down onto the stairs. "Look, you remember the talk we had on the plane about you not being my sexual slave and all?"


"Well I'm still truthful on that, but at the same time there are erm, a few intricate things that may have been left out if I'm being honest. I..... huhhhhh, this, is gonna make me sound like I'm selfish and a bitch, and I ain't gonna blame you for looking at me that way but, I would like if you could at least, maybe, sortaaaaa fuck me.......e-erm......once every two weeks or so?"


"Look I....As a woman I have my needs, okay? And for the most part I can satisfy my needs through myself I've done it before and I could do it again. But, those needs are amplified a shit ton cause of the fact that I'm, obviously, a rabbit. Well not entirely a rabbit but you get the idea babe. Rabbits, are horny little monsters that fuck like they were made solely for the purpose of fucking and doing nothing but fucking until they get tired of fucking. Which is never. They never get tired of fucking. And that trait unfortunately, affects me as well.

I haven't told you yet because it's your first relationship and I don't wanna scare you or anything like that but, ever since you and I became a thing I've had this urge to just....To just TAKE YOU, you know? And I don't wanna force myself onto you because obviously that's rape and sexual harassment I'd feel like the shittiest person on the planet if I took somebody without their consent. I can promise you with every fiber of my being and with every fiber of every being that I am created in different lifetimes, that I will not force myself onto you without your permission. If you don't want me to be all up in your area with sexual purposes I can promise you that it will not happen.

But, babe. It gets hard, okay? It gets really, really hard for me sometimes because again I have the traits of a rabbit I have this urge to engage in sexual activity it's in my nature. And even if I didn't have the traits of a rabbit I'd still for the baseline have sexual needs they're called hormones obviously. And seeing you and seeing how you look at me with every ounce of love that you have to offer me I just....I just....FUCK MAN like I just WANT YOU, OKAY? I want you and-and I want you to just make this heat go away and even though I promised not to advance on you without your consent I have this urge to just make something happen. And of course it gets worse through the effects that our emotions give us.

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