X: The Story

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"Nrgh, HUFF. Hey!" Miruko panted, smirking over her right shoulder with chest heaving in and out as she looked back to Midoriya. Her sweat practically drenched through her purple workout bra with same color biker shorts as she half-spoke half panted to him. "What, huff, what happened to all that energy earlier huh? You run empty already so now you're pussy?"

"Huff, huff I'm not done, huff, until this is done." He grunted back before sucking in whatever air he could. Tightening his jaw Midoriya lunged forward with his left leg, groaning at the aching soreness in his muscles before bringing the other leg forward to stand back up and next to Miruko on her right. "HAH. Holy crap."

Wednesday, eight in the morning give or take. It was humid outside with a damp fog rolling across the neighborhood as the environment drained the heroes' stamina. Both teacher and student wore a set of heavy chains around their body and were carrying a barbell with two plates on each end of the bar. Their goal was to cross the entire length of the backyard solely by lunging, then turning around and going back in a duckwalk stance. They had to do that five times before calling it finished. For somebody like Miruko this was a normal occurrence as obvious by the condition of her strong legs with healthy fat. But for somebody like Midoriya, this was an absolute hell.

It's been a while since he's last pushed his body to this level of physical work, his days of waking up early in the morning to train with All Might coming back to him. The weight itself wasn't heavy to the point where he felt it bearing down so much on his body that he couldn't move it was more so the duration of the exercise that was killing him. Two things were going to happen the next morning, either he's gonna wake up and not be able to move his legs a single inch from their position. Or he is going to be able to move them but each movement or even a THOUGHT of a movement feels like he's ripping each individual muscle fiber into pieces and causing him to suffer. Either way he is not going to feel comfortable for a while that's for certain but he's not willing to give up. Not with the wall in front of him.

After moments of gathering her breath Miruko lunged with her right leg, bringing the other forward and standing back up. This morning was different, different in that she could tell something has changed within her student. Being truthful she didn't expect him to hang in until the last set like this, and while his leg muscles are obviously on the verge of giving out his face held the expression that he wasn't planning to anytime soon. There was ferocity in his eyes now, an emboldened desire to become his ideal hero and surpass the pain of the past. It's obvious that Miruko's words from yesterday managed to cut the right wire and set off a domino effect of an explosion within him. Each of his lunges were determined to not fall behind on the objective of stronger, better. Good. Least her time won't be put to waste.

Grunting in his next lunge Midoriya yelled to push himself up on his feet and stand straight. Two more lunges, just two more lunges and they'll both turn to face the other way and duckwalk back to the other side. Not only was it difficult to move the weight across the backyard but it was difficult to keep his head in the game. Why? Well when working out with somebody like Miruko, it was difficult to focus at all.

The Rabbit Hero lunged forward and stood back up, respacing her legs to be just outside shoulder width apart. Everytime Miruko was in front of the student he couldn't prevent his mind from glancing over and observing over her body's features from the back. Her strong, toned legs leading into her large and plump lower asset. The muscles of her back glimmering from the combination of sweat and the light of the sun, as well as the barely but still noticeable definition of her arm muscles holding onto the bar over her body. Miruko was damn near a goddess with a body like that but no way in hell was he going to say that out loud unless he wanted his soul to be kicked out. Her wheat colored skin contrasting with the angelic white of her hair was a nice little touch too that he liked. Overall, he kept praying that the blood in his system didn't rush to the lower front of his groin.

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