12: Stuffy

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"Yup. Hosu. If there's no activity going on around here I'll take the next best spot available." Miruko replied, stretching her right leg out and rotating her ankle. 4:30 in the afternoon and the duo of Miruko/Midoriya were aboard of a long train ride to the city of Hosu, nobody else in the carriage besides them as it jostled over the tracks. The student seated on the left with his teacher on the right. "But it's not primarily because there's a lack of activity going on around here, it's because I heard there's a big fish swimming about in Hosu that needs tackling. Wanna take a guess?"

"Stain." Midoriya answered. "We're going to Hosu solely to go after Stain?"

"Fuck yeah we are. Rumor has it that dried up nutsack is a hard fish to get your hands on and judging by the recent activity of his attacks being there, chances are he might still be in the area. I say we go over there and take a shot at taking him out and bag him for ourselves. Could be fun."

"Yeah but, I've heard stories that he confronted an entire group of heroes before and still managed to escape before the rest of authorities arrived. Are you sure the two of us will be enough?"

"Hmph! If you're gonna be spouting that unsure bullcrap I should've left you at home. Of course we'll be enough! Did you hit your head in the night or something and forget who you're training under?! By the end of the night if we manage to run into Stain he'll be just that, a stain on the sidewalk after I beat the crap out of him. If you're too scared to take him on then sit back and take notes, watch how a pro handles business."

"It's not that I'm scared I'm just a little bit worried. I mean he's a villain after all and you never know what kind of tricks villains will pull just to get through the wall in front of them."

"Villains have tricks, heroes have the same thing." Miruko said. "One thing you'll learn as time goes on and you get more and more experience in fighting these guys, sometimes the best way to beat a villain is to think like one. You have to put yourself in their shoes for a moment and think about what their next move might be. That's the best way to take down a villain, thinking about their next move and acting on it before they can. It's tough at first since not only do you have to think about yourself you also have to think about them, but you'll learn as you get more and more exposed to it.

By the way, isn't one of your classmates involved in the recent Stain attack? I heard about it but it wasn't confirmed for me to be true."

"Yeah it's Iida, or rather it was Ingenium who was attacked and Iida being my classmate." He confirmed. "Ever since the attack Iida's been really quiet and he's kinda distanced himself from the rest of us. He tries to play it off like he's okay but it's clearly obvious that the Stain attack is something that's affecting him greatly. I mean I probably would feel the same way too if I heard my older brother was targeted by the Hero Killer. Can't imagine what that phone call must have been like to receive. Then, to make it worse, Iida chose his Work Study to be an agency located in Hosu and we think it's possible he did so to go after Stain himself."

"If he did, your classmate's an idiot. Heroes who go after villains in the name of what could be considered revenge is never a good thing as all it takes is a single thought of what to do next and their career is fucked. You'd be surprised to hear how many heroes chase after villains who caused personal damage to them, and they end up killing the villain and screwing up their entire career. Charge of murder, and you're done. Better hope your classmate doesn't fall off the deep end."

"Iida committing murder? No I, there's no way he could do something like that he's smarter than that. Iida comes from a well-raised background and I'm sure even he is smart enough to see that shouldn't be the method to be taken."

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