15: Spoil

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"There. That should get the healing process started nice and quick." Extended lips soon retracted as Recovery Girl left a wet and oh-so-disgusting set of kiss marks on Midoriya's left cheek, Miruko quietly snickering in her seat at the embarrassment that tinted her student's cheeks. "You know I'll be honest, when they asked me to come over here I was thinking it'd be because you broke your bones again from that damned Quirk of yours. But seeing this is a relief."

Midoriya squinted, turning his eyes to his shoulder that he couldn't move at all, and back to Recovery Girl. "You're saying a giant hole punched into my shoulder is a relief over broken bones?"

"Well it's a lot better than having you be the reason for that giant hole. Tell your teacher about all the times I had to sit you down in my infirmary and deal with you?"


"Hmph. I'm sure she would be entertained."

"Stories for another time, is he good to leave or not?" Miruko asked. "Just sitting here on my ass doing nothing is more of a pain than you could imagine. I'm sure it'd be better if he could at least do something else than lay here all day long."

"Well, with my Quirk he should be able to take his leave from the hospital, don't really see a point in keeping him here any longer." The nurse commented. "The effects of my Quirk are going to kick in soon however so I wouldn't recommend doing any sort of physical activity today, or for the rest of the internship's duration for that matter. You'll need to focus on getting your shoulder moving again without any pain before anything else."

"So, I'm all done for the week huh? No sort of small training I'll be able to do on the side? " Midoriya asked with a nod given by Recovery Girl. He sighed with his shoulders slumping. "Crap. Oh well."

"She's not saying you can't do ANYTHING, it's just that any sort of bouncing movement or jiggling in that shoulder is probably going to hurt a lot unless you can somehow keep it absolutely still. Quit bitching. It's not the end of the world just be glad you're walking out of here with an injury like that instead of one less arm."

"Yeah. I suppose so."

"If that friend of yours does have the Quirk to rearrange the muscular tissue then I advise having Midoriya be subjected it sooner rather than later, helps speed up the healing process. But as far as time goes I think you've spent enough here, no point in keeping you around. I'll inform the doctor that you're clear to leave as per U.A's authorization." Recovery Girl used her syringe cane to lower her chair, her body slowly hovering down along with the seat. "I mean it when I say that you shouldn't do anything crazy for the rest of the week. Though, judging you're his student tchgrrrr, old buffoon of a man. Better keep an eye on this one young lady, he's as reckless as one of his teachers."

"Mm." Recovery Girl hopped off of her chair, hobbling past the seated Miruko and out into the hall before closing the door behind her. Once she was gone Miruko rose from her seat with the bomber jacket now over her body, hands stuffed into the front pockets as she walked to the edge of Midoriya's bed. "That teacher being?"

"All Might." Midoriya admitted. "Apparently Recovery Girl has been there with All Might for a while and he's gotten into some pretty crazy stuff in his days hmph. And now that he's a teacher at U.A, he's helped me with my Quirk since they're so similar you know. So Recovery Girl's basically assuming that I would do what All Might did in his day."

"I wouldn't be surprised, it's in your nature."


"You grew up Quirkless, which is a bad thing now that you've developed your Quirk at a late age. That Quirkless part of you has always dreamed of being and doing hero stuff right, so now that you have a Quirk and now you have the same factor that every other hero does you think that's gonna allow you to do whatever in hopes of reaching that dream. I've seen it before, Quirkless people trying do hero stuff, eight times out of ten they die."

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