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HIGH SCHOOL WAS, ACCORDING to most students, not the most pleasant place. Yes, you get to see your friends every day, but the boring lessons and teachers tended to cancel out the positive things. The pressure put on students through homework and exams was not very pleasant either.

Of course, Baji Keisuke couldn't use such complicated words, but he did agree with the majority. In his own way, he would put everything together with four simple words: high school sucks ass.

It was only bound to get harder this year, so he had to put more effort so he doesn't disappoint his mother again. He wasn't going to watch her cry again after she received a call from the school telling her her son had failed the year and had to stay behind.

Even if he had to pass the year with the worst passing grades, he will not repeat.

''I'm surprised you don't look like a Poindexter this year, Baji-san,'' Chifuyu laughed as he stood by his side, the two of them just now arriving at the entrance of their new school. Both were glad they managed to convince their mothers to sign them up for the same school, it would've been weird if they had to go to different ones.

''Shut up, Chifuyu. I realized that looking like a nerd doesn't actually make you smart,'' Baji said, his hands in his pants' pocket as he passed the gates of the school. He was going to waste another three years of his life here. Great.

There were a lot of students who were arriving just now, some of them chatting with their friends, others alone. What Baji could tell at a first glance was that most of them looked like wimps and he could beat them up if he wanted to.

Not that he was going to. He had to behave this year.

''Oi, what class are we in again?'' asked Baji - after they found out they'd be in the same class, Baji didn't bother remembering the details.

Chifuyu looked down at a wrinkled piece of paper that contained the classroom and its supposed location that he had written down the night before so he wouldn't forget either. ''1-3, on the first floor.''

''And the locker numbers?''

''Mine's 332, yours is 247.''

''Damn, okay. Thanks, assistant Chifuyu.''

''Shut up, Baji-san.''

Baji laughed at his friend before someone pushed his back. He stumbled a step forward and turned around, ready to beat the crap out of whoever was picking a fight with him on the first day of school.

''Oi, watch where you're going, you-'' His swearing halted as he noticed the person who's pushed him was a girl who was holding an open blue journal and a purple pen.

''Shit, sorry, didn't see you there,'' the girl said before simply walking past him, not waiting for any other words from him. Baji simply watched as she walked away, violently crossing out something in her notebook with her pen.

''Weirdo, why's she walkin' with her nose burried in a notebook?'' Baji scoffed, grabbing onto his bag as well and calming down from his burts of anger. It was the first day and he was already ready to beat up someone.

There was an assembly the whole school had to attend where the speeches and all that would happen. Baji did not care one bit about anything school related, but he had no other choice. So, there he sat, leaning his head on his arm and leaning back in the chair, Chifuyu sitting on his other side looking as bored as ever as well.

He was sat at the end of the roll, next to the aisle. On his other side sat another class. He looked down at the indoor shoes, seeing that they were blue - second-years, he thought. He looked down at his own shoes, which were yellow, indicating he was a first-year.

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