four | outline

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THE FACT THAT SHE hadn't seen Baji the whole day before was rather suspicious. It was Tuesday, meaning Baji's suspension was over. She had half-expected him to approach her the moment he came to school the day before, but maybe she should be glad he didn't.


Y/n sighed as she straightened up, just having tied up her sneakers. P.E. was definitely not her thing - she was born to sit down in a comfortable chair and write, not do laps or score in games.

Walking in the gym, Y/n noticed there were more people than there was supposed to be in her class, half of who she didn't even recognize. Did they have a joined lesson today? That means . . .

''Listen up, everyone!" the teacher spoke, grabbing most of the teenagers' attention. ''Shimizu-san is sick today, so class 1-3 is gonna join us for class today!''

1-3 . . . That sounds familiar . . .

''Feel free to play anything you want since I can't teach this big of a group. Class 2-2, do prepare for grading next week!''


''Baji-san, this is starting to get weird. If you want to talk to her so bad just go over, she's alone anyway.''

Chifuyu was starting to get tired of Baji. He had declined playing football with the other boys and now they were stuck throwing basketballs. At least, Chifuyu was. Baji was simply standing next to him and holding his ball to his stomach, watching as Y/n repeatedly threw and failed to score with her own basketball.

'''M not being a creep, Chifuyu.'' Baji finally snapped out from his trance, quickly getting into position and throwing, scoring a point. ''I'm just watching her fail miserably.''

Rolling his eyes, Chifuyu spoke. ''Then go help her out so she doesn't. What's your deal with her, anyway? Why do you want to hang out with her so much?''

Baji remained silent for a moment. '''Cuz she's easy to annoy and it's funny.''

Chifuyu gave him a suspicious look before dropping his ball on the ground. ''Then go and annoy her and I'll go join the others and play football.''

Before Baji can even think about protesting Chifuyu ran away, telling the other boys he was joining the game. Turning back around, Baji looked at Y/n, who had once again missed the hoop.

Ah, might as well. Baji dribbled his ball as he made his way to her. Once behind her, he got into position and threw the ball, scoring a point in the hoop Y/n was using.

Y/n, in turn, slightly jumped as a ball was thrown over her head and into the hoop. She turned around, clutching the ball she was holding as she faced Baji, rolling her eyes at the sight of him. ''You don't seem too happy to see me. Don't you think it's cool to have the same P.E. class?''

''Not necessarily.''

''That hurt, L/n.''

She dribbled her ball as she asked her next question. ''Why don't you go play football with the others?''

Baji shrugged. ''Don't want to. You're more fun to annoy.'' Y/n scoffed and threw her ball again, once again missing. ''You suck at this,'' he remarked.

''I'm well aware, thank you very much,'' Y/n answered. Even if she tried to defend herself, her obvious skills would not speak in her favor. ''What, you came here to show off or what?''

Baji chuckled. ''Yeah, pretty much.'' He got in position and threw the ball up, but this time, instead of it going inside the hoop, it ricocheted off the hoop and flew right back at Baji, hitting him on the head and causing him to stumble back slightly. Baji winced as he rubbed the spot where the ball hit, while the ball itself rolled further and further away.

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