twelve | chapters

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SHE DIDN'T THINK HER first draft would be good. First drafts were there to excist. They're there as your ground, as something you'll usually need to rewrite later because of how bad it turned out.

And yet, after finishing the first chapter, Y/n felt quite satisfied with how it turned out. Surely it was just a in-the-moment feeling. She'll probably find it horrible later, but she felt accomplished for today. She finally started to write her novel and that was a step forward, right?

A satisfied smile stretched over her face as she leaned back in her desk chair. The first chapter took her around fifteen hand-written pages and her hand was dying, so she decided to take a short break. Picking up her phone, she flipped it open and opened her contacts, seeing her most recent call - Baji called her yesterday to talk about something stupid and they stayed on the phone for an hour.

Keisuke would be glad to hear, right? Y/n thought as she pressed the green button and put the phone up to her ear. There was one, two, three beeps before she removed the phone from her ear and was about to press the end call button, though as she noticed Baji had picked up, she hurriedly put the phone back at her ear.

''Hey pretty, what's up?'' Baji spoke rather cheerfully. Y/n could only wonder what he was doing.

''Keisuke, guess what?'' Y/n said, but didn't give him the time to actually guess before speaking again. ''I wrote the first chapter! It's done!''

''That's great!'' Baji said, followed by a grunt. ''Sorry, I'm just in the middle of something. I'll swing by later to read it, yeah? Can't- CAN'T YOU SEE I'M ON A CALL, FUCKER? Can't wait to see you later, pretty.''

Is he . . . in the middle of a fight? ''Yeah, yeah, just don't get too beat up! See you later!''

''Yup! Love you, bye!''

Y/n didn't get a chance to reply before Baji ended the call. Her mouth was wide open and her phone fell out of her palm. She jumped up when it hit the ground, scrambling to pick it up and huddle it close to her chest.

He just said he loves me. He just said the L word. This can't be happening. He didn't even realize, did he? Oh God, I didn't say it back! She started to panic as the thoughts ran through her head. Looking down at her phone, she was about to call him again when she remembered he was busy and she'd rather not be the reason for a broken bone.

Her whole body warmed up and there was a stupid grin on her face. With a faster than usual heartbeat and a churning stomach, she felt like a little girl that just got the doll she wanted.

Folding her arms on top of her desk, she laid her head on them, still unable to wipe the smile off her face. There was that feeling in the pit of her stomach that felt extremely guilty for rejecting Baji when she did, but she was so very thankful that it all worked out at the end. Whoever was up there had really blessed her this time.

How the fuck am I going to tell him I love him, too?


It has been around two hours since she finished writing and didn't have the motivation to continue for today. She now laid in her bed, blankly staring at the ceiling and wondering how to waste her day.

Should she knit? She didn't feel like it. Read? Too much work. If she had to be honest, she wanted to go out with someone - she wanted to call Baji, but he had plans for today. She didn't want to disturb him.

Though, it's his fault she's becoming more social. She didn't know how to feel about that fact.

Picking up her phone, she started scrolling through her contacts. Her parents, Baji, Chufuyu, some classmates she didn't particularly like. Her eyes fell on a person she'd met just recently and she seemed to click with. Might as well give it a try.

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