eight | pen

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BEING HOME ALONE WAS something Y/n enjoyed a lot, but couldn't explain why exactly. Was it because she knew there was no one else to bother her? Was it because she could blast her music louder than usual without worrying her parents would be annoyed? Or because she could walk around in her underwear if she so wished?

Being home alone simply hit different.

Even if she had all the opportunities to do whatever she wanted in the house, Y/n simply sat on her desk with her music slightly louder than usual, and wrote her heart away on the paper. It felt great to be able to write again, to have ideas and motivation to do it.

Unfortunately, her old idea notebook had come to an end - filled to the brim with messy ideas - so Y/n used the new notebook she'd bought with Baji to bring them in some type of order. Or at least, she was trying to.

She couldn't help but let out a groan when her phone rang, interrupting her peace and concentration. Putting her pen down, she leaned back in her desk chair and picked up her phone. Flipping it open, she cocked an eyebrow at the contact name.

''Baji? What do you want?''

''You happen to be home?''

Taken aback at his question, she responded. ''Well, yeah. Why, you planning to murder me or something?''

Baji laughed on the other side of the line. ''No, no. Can you come pick me up from downstairs? I'm in front of your house.''

''The hell are you doing in front of my house?''

''Can ya just come? You'll see for yourself.''


As she walked down the stairs of her building, she wasn't sure what to think. Was he here to hang out? Brought a stray he needs to shelter? He would've brought it to his house though, wouldn't he? Maybe he wanted to give her something?

What she didn't expect is to see Baji with blood and scratches all over his face, yet bearing a bright grin.

''What the hell, Keisuke?'' She approached him and grabbed his head with her hands to inspect his face, not realizing she'd used his first name for the first time.

Baji, however, did realize, and felt his cheeks warm up at that. That and the fact that she was very close to his face. Thankfully the blood covered most of his blush, so Y/n probably wouldn't even realized. ''The fuck happened to you?'' Y/n said as she finally let his face go.

''Got jumped by some weaklings,'' Baji said with a smirk. ''Honestly, you should see the other guys, this is nothing.''

''You're an idiot, you know that, right?''

Baji didn't say anything as she pulled him inside her apartment building and towards her own room, where she sat him on her bed and told him not to move before leaving again. He simply sat there with the blood sticking to his face and staining his clothes as he looked around her room.

His eyes fell on the open notebook on the desk, the cover slightly up so he could see it was the notebook he'd chosen when they went out a few days ago. A small smile crept up to his face.

''What're you smiling about?'' He didn't even realize Y/n had come back, this time holding some cotton and rubbing alcohol in her hands, along with some bandages.

''Just admiring your room.''

''. . . That's weird.''

Y/n pulled her desk chair in front of Baji and grabbed his chin so she can clean his wounds easier. He didn't react to the stinging and Y/n concluded that since he was a delinquent, he was probably used to it.

how to write a book | baji keisuke x fem!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now