six | plot

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AT THIS POINT IT was normal seeing Y/n in her classroom alone and writing in her notebook. She was sitting at her desk, as usual during her lunch break, holding her purple pen and writing down things that came to mind as she ate her lunch from her bento. Baji simply marched in her classroom, as usual during his lunch break, and sat on the chair in front of her desk, leaning his elbows on the back of the seat.

Y/n spared him a glance as she held her chopsticks with one hand and her pen with another. Baji stayed silent for a moment, causing her to crook an eyebrow. ''Why're you looking at me like that? It's weird.''

Baji chuckled. ''Nothing. Whatcha writing?''

Instead of answering, Y/n simply closed her notebook and let it fall in her bag that was next to the desk. ''Nothing. Why're you here?''

''One day I'll read what you wrote, Y/n,'' Baji promised and Y/n rolled her eyes at his words. ''But I just came to hang out, since you seemed to have so much fun yesterday.''

''Hm, yeah, sure.'' She was not going to admit he was possibly right. Nope. ''You without Matsuno again? You've been ditching him a lot lately.''

''And you've been mentioning him a lot. You have a crush on him or somethin'?'' Baji asked rather annoyed. Did she have to mention Chifuyu every time he wanted to hang out with her?

''Matsuno? Hell no.''

The scrunch of her eyebrows comforted Baji in a way. One less thing to worry about.

Baji couldn't help but laugh. He reached his hand out to grab a piece of the sushi Y/n had in her bento, only to get his hand swatted away by a pair of chopsticks. ''Ouch! Oi, what was that for!?''

''That's my food!''

''But I just want one piece!''


''Dude! Just one!''

''Dude!'' Y/n sighed before looking down at her food, sliding it a bit closer to Baji. ''One bite.''

Baji cheered as he took a bite from her food, chewing contently as he rested his head on his hand again. Y/n watched him in confusion - why did he have that smile on his face? Why was he here in the first place?

''I wanna ask you something, Baji.'' The boy simply cocked an eyebrow, waiting for her question. ''Why do you keep hanging out with me?''

In a way, Baji should've expected that question. Him hanging out with people other than Chifuyu at school was unusual, since he doesn't like wimps like the majority of his schoolmates. And yet, he was obviously drawn to Y/n.

She seemed to enjoy herself with him yesterday. Maybe, just maybe, he should shoot his shot now.

''I guess I like you.''

In a way, Y/n should've expected that answer. It usually happened like this in books, didn't it? She would've maybe dismissed it if he hadn't been so adamant about her hanging out with him. Yes, maybe she admitted to herself that he wasn't that bad to hang out with, but . . .

She uncomfortably shifted in her seat. ''I'm sorry, Baji, but I don't know if I can return your feelings . . .'' Y/n said. ''Not yet, at least. I don't want to get your hopes up.''

Baji would've been lying if her words didn't sting even a bit. It was weird, the feeling of your heart aching. Still, he gave her a toothy grin, showing off his fangs. He didn't want her to see his feelings. ''Yeah, that's cool. I can wait.'' He stood up and straightened his school jacket. ''I have to go now, though. Class is about to start soon.''

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