epilogue | publish

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''- and so, Keiji had no regrets anymore. As his eyes closed slowly, he smiled. He had a good life, he'd decided. It might've been short, but it was enjoyable. He could leave the rest to his friends. It was okay now.''

Y/n closed the book as she read out the last sentence, a small smile finding it's way on her face. Her eyes read the name on the thombstone, 'Baji Family Grave', scanning the three words over and over again.

''So, what do you think, Kei? I think I did justice to your story, don't you think?'' Y/n asked as she put her elbow on her knee and leaned her cheek on her palm. ''There's also the author's note, but that's too embarassing to read out-loud. I can ask Chifuyu to come read it to you sometime, if you want.'' Of course, she didn't expect the tombstone to answer.

Ten years had passed since Baji Keisuke had committed suicide during, what they now call, Bloody Halloween. Ten years and Y/n wasn't sure she'd fully moved on from her first love, her first best friend and her first reader.

''You were right, after all,'' Y/n said, feeling the tears gather at the corners of her eyes. ''I made it. I'm not that big of an author yet, I'm still working at the pet shop with Chifuyu and Kazutora, but there's a lot of people enjoying my work. And it's all thanks to you, Kei.''

Her phone buzzed and she took it out, unlocking it to see that Chifuyu had texted her to tell her they would be late if she didn't hurry up. She chuckled and texted that she'd be right there before putting the phone back in her pocket. ''Sorry, Chifuyu volunteered to drive me to my interview today. I'm so nervous, it's my first time!''

''I wish you could be here to see it, too,'' Y/n said and felt a tear roll down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away, waving at her eyes to dry the tears. ''Sorry, got a bit emotional there. I have to go now, though. I'll swing by again next week, yeah? I'll also bring that cake you like.''

She waited for a moment, as if waiting for an answer. When she never received one she simply snorted. "I love you, Kei," she finally said before making her way back out and towards where Chifuyu had parked his car.

''So, Baji-san enjoyed the book?'' Chifuyu asked when Y/n sat in the passenger seat and put her seatbelt on.

''I sure hope so, I put a lot of effort in it, you know?'' Y/n said as she watched him drive out of the cemetery and get back to the main road.

''So,'' Chifuyu started, wanting to change the topic. ''You nervous about your first interview?''

''If I have to be honest, I'm about to shit my pants.''

Chifuyu laughed loudly at her answer, though Y/n quickly scolded him to keep his eyes on the road.

''Thanks for giving me a ride, by the way. I don't know if I would've survived if I had to go with my editor,'' Y/n said, leaning her arm on the car door.

''Of course, gotta keep you from shitting your pants,'' Chifuyu quoted her, causing her to roll her eyes.

They had grown up appearance wise, but Y/n thought Chifuyu was pretty much the same as back when they were kids. She couldn't help but think how Baji would've been as a grown-up, but she didn't want to let her mind wander off to the what-ifs. She didn't want to appear at the interview with mascara stains down her cheeks.

She just hoped she was making him proud.


''You wrote this book back in high-school? You really had talent ever since you were younger, no?'' the interviewer asked, impressed.

Y/n felt her cheeks warm up at her words. ''Well, the story went through a lot of editing and a lot of rewriting, but yes, the original idea was created back in high-school. It just wasn't easy to find someone to publish a nobody, you know?''

The interviewer nodded in understanding. ''The publishers who rejected you must surely be regretting it now,'' she said, causing both of them to laugh. ''I have another question for you, L/n-san. Regarding the person you dedicated the book to - Baji Keisuke, was it? Who might he be?''

She should've expected that question after dedicating a whole book to him. Still, she wasn't sure what to say. Noticing Chifuyu waving his arms around backstage, she subtly furrowed her eyebrows. Once he realized she was looking at him, he gave her thumbs up, as if telling her 'You can do it!'

''L/n-san?'' the interviewer called her after Y/n didn't answer her for a solid minute.

That shook the author out of her trance. ''Oh, I'm sorry. I just had to think of how to answer this one,'' Y/n said, clearing her throat. ''Keisuke is someone really dear to me. He was actually the person who inspired me to write this book in the first place, since I was in a really bad writer's block back then, you know?''

The interviewer, thinking she might be able to make a story out of this, wiggled her eyebrows at Y/n. ''Any chance of us ever meeting this Baji?''

Her eyes trailed next to Chifuyu. There was a faint, white outline of a person standing next to him. They were leaning their elbow leaning on Chifuyu's shorter shoulder and giving Y/n a thumbs up as well. They were smiling, the outline of their fangs showing.

Y/n smiled. She was finally loosing it, wasn't she?

''No, I don't think you will.''

Sometimes I wish I never met you, but without you, I wouldn't be the person I am today, Baji Keisuke. Thank you.

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