two | notes

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thank you guys for 200+ reads already! enjoy reading the early chapter!

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FOR MITSUYA, IT WAS odd seeing Baji so out of it and sporting a small smile on his face just before a brawl. He would be usually excited, yelling around about how Toman was going to win or how he was going to beat up some little shits to a pulp.

This time, however, Baji was too silent for comfort. Chifuyu seemed fine, so it probably wasn't something that had happened at their school. Or maybe it was something that only happened to Baji. But what could have possibly happened to put Baji out of all people in such a deep thought?

''Oi, Chifuyu,'' Mitsuya spoke as he stood next to him, causing the younger boy to hum in acknowledgement. ''What's got Baji so quiet.''

Chifuyu looked over to his captain for a moment, noticing that he was, indeed, quiet. ''Don't know. Ask him yourself.''

It was weird that Chifuyu didn't know, as he usually knew every little thing that was happening in Baji's life, down to the times he shits. That made Mitsuya even more curious.

''Baji?'' He looked up at the call of his name, seeing Mitsuya look at him with a quirked eyebrow and his hands in his pockets.

''What's up?'' Baji asked, straightening up and fixing his sash that had slightly slid down his shoulder.

''Why so quiet?''

Baji stood still for a moment, his eyes trailing to the ground. ''I didn't even realize. Had something on my mind.

It took a moment, but an idea hit Mitsuya, causing him to smirk. ''Hm, could it be that you met someone?''

''Pft, nah, it's not like that. I was just thinking of this one girl from my school I had to help find some rice at the store yesterday. It was funny how frustrated she was.''

Mitsuya could not believe how thick his friend was being, but he didn't comment on it. Maybe he was going to figure it out himself. ''Was she cute?''

''I mean, yeah, I guess,'' Baji said, shrugging.

''Oi, you two, the brawl is about to start,'' Draken called out, catching Baji and Mistuya's attention, the two of them having stayed behind without realizing, when as captains, they had to be at the very front.

''Shit, coming!"


Baji leaned back in his chair once the dismiss bell rang, indicating the end of another class. Mondays sucked, Baji thought, and whoever thought otherwise should get their head checked.

The bandage under his eye felt quite uncomfortable, but due to getting a cut in the brawl the day before, he had to wear it so it heals. It didn't hurt, but for his mother's sake, he agreed to cover it. It was really itchy, though.

''Oi, Baji-san, did you do the maths homework?'' Chifuyu asked as he turned back to look at his friend.

Upon hearing the question, Baji grinned and brought his notebook out, opening it and giving it to Chifuyu. ''Here ya go!''

Chifuyu, surprised that Baji had bothered even looking at the homework, took a look at Baji's work and sweatdropped. ''Uh, Baji-san . . . you just copied the questions. You didn't find the solutions.''

A moment of silence followed. ''So that's what I forgot before the brawl yesterday.''

Sighing, Chifuyu took his own notebook and handed it to Baji. ''Copy before the teacher comes.''

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