thirteen | drafts

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SHE DID NOT, IN fact, tell Baji she loves him. Not the day after, not a few days after, not weeks after; before she knew it, the second school semester was starting and she had yet to say the three words to Baji.

In truth, she would've felt more horrible if Baji had said the words again, but he hadn't said them either. Both of them pretended like Baji never said anything and Y/n wasn't sure what to think. She was worried Baji was thinking she was simply ignoring them or didn't feel the same, which was the furthest thing from the truth.

But what if that's what he actually thought?

''Y/n? Y/n?'' she looked at Baji, just now realizing he'd been calling her for a few seconds now. ''You okay?''

Y/n nodded. ''Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. What were you saying?''

''I wanted to ask if you want to go grab some peyong after school with Chifuyu and me?''

''Oh, yeah, sure,'' Y/n said, then remembered she had something else to tell Baji. ''Oh yeah, I wrote more last night, do you wanna read it?''

''Didn't you say you'll study last night?''

''. . . I got distracted.''

Baji laughed at her answer. ''Of course, give it here,'' he said, making a grabby-hand. ''I'll have something to do during the boring classes.''

Upon hearing that, Y/n pulled her notebook away from him. ''Hey, not if you're gonna get distracted in class! You gotta pay attention on the first day, Kei.''

He groaned. ''Honeslty, woman, you're acting like my mom.''

''I just want you to pass, Kei.''

''Yeah, yeah,'' Baji rolled his eyes, though he did appreciate the care. It made him feel warm inside. ''I'll read it in the breaks, I promise. Give it here.'' Y/n gave Baji a sceptical look before surrending her notebook.


Baji was oddly quiet in the break. Chifuyu was watching him read a notebook intensely and wondered what he was doing. The notebook had cats all over it, so Chifuyu crossed out the thought of Baji studying. Then again, he probably shouldn't have thought about it in the first place.

''Yo, Baji-san.'' Baji looked up at the call of his name, facing Chifuyu, who was nodding towards the notebook. ''What're you reading?''

''It's a book Y/n is writing,'' Baji said, a proud grin on his face.

Chifuyu, on the other hand, cocked an eyebrow. ''Y/n is writing a book?''

''Hell yeah! She's so talented, you must be jealous I have such a cool girlfriend.''

This time, Chifuyu rolled his eyes at his friend. ''Yeah, totally. Can I see what she wrote?''

As Chifuyu reached his hand out to take the notebook, Baji pulled it away from him, confusing Chifuyu. ''Sorry, Chifuyu, but Y/n only lets me read. She doesn't like when other people read her things without asking her.''

Chifuyu gave him a smirk as he sat back in his seat. ''Such a nice boyfriend, aren't you, Baji-san?''

''What d'ya mean nice, I'm the best boyfriend.''


Chifuyu had left around an hour after they arrived at Baji's, having forgotten to buy food for Peke J and leaving the apartment in a rush. The two were now alone, watching a random movie they came across on the TV.

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