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HER FINGER HOVERED OVER the call button, her eyes trained over the selected name. Should she call him? Was this bitchy of her to do? After rejecting him and then venting to him, did she really deserve to hang out with him? She told him she doesn't want to lead him on and yet wants to hang out with him? It hasn't even been a full 24 hours yet . . .

A sudden sneeze came over her, causing her to press the call button. ''Shit'' she cursed as she fumbled with her phone, but unfortunately for her, it seemed that Baji had had his phone in his hand at the moment she called.


Quickly pressing the phone to her ear, Y/n clutched her bag for some sort of support. ''Uh, hi.''

''Y/n? What's up?''

''Uh . . .'' Now was the moment. Should she? ''I wanted to go shopping and was wondering if you wanted to tag along . . . But, like, if you have other plans, then don't mind.''

Baji felt his cheeks grow warmed. Shopping . . . with Y/n? ''No, I'm free the whole day. Want me to come pick you up?''

''I . . . yeah, sure. You know the address.''

Springing up from his bed, Baji told her he'll be there in a few and ran around his room, picking up clothes to change into.

Shopping? With Y/n? Did that mean she was going to ask for his opinion on clothes? Was she going to show them off to him? God, this is going to be like a personal fashion show. God, what kind of blessing is this?

Baji could swear he's never started up his bike faster before.

Y/n tapped her foot on the ground as she looked at the road, her arms crossed. After the call with Baji had ended, she headed outside to wait for him. If she had to be honest, she thought she would have to wait for half an hour and regretted getting down too quick. What she didn't expect, however, was Baji stopping his motorbike in front of her fifteen minutes right after the call had ended.

She approached him, putting her hands on her hips. ''Bike?'' she asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Baji gave her a grin as he handed her his helmet. '''Course, I'm not about to walk there, that would take forever.''

Scoffing at his words, Y/n strapped the helmet to her head and sat behind Baji, this time wrapping her hands around his torso with no hesitation. Though, she was glad that she had chosen to wear pants rather than the skirt she was originally planning to.

''So, where to?'' Baji asked, looking at her over his shoulder.

After telling him which shopping center to go to, Baji allowed himself to go quicker with the bike this time, seeing as she didn't seem as scared as before. He did let himself enjoy her back-hug this time, too.

Baji couldn't hold in his excitement after Y/n told him they were going to a specific shop. Those words helped Baji's mind to wander places, wondering what the day was going to bring him.

His expectations flew out of the window as soon as they arrived in front of a store for stationary supplies and Y/n pointed excitedly at it. ''We're here!''

''Are you sure this is the right store?'' Baji asked as he followed her inside. ''This isn't a clothing store.''

''Well, yeah, no shit,'' Y/n said as she furrowed his eyebrows. ''Did you think we're going for clothes? I thought guys hate going shopping.''

But . . . I thought . . . ''Well . . . yeah.''

Y/n crossed her arms at him. ''I never said we're going for clothes.'' Y/n said, the realization hitting her just before she hit Baji in the arm. ''Perv!"

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