five | conflict

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ONE COULD SAY BAJI had a plan - he had thought about it during the whole Toman meeting and it was almost foolproof; there was only one thing that could prevent the plan from working.

Y/n was sat at her desk when he arrived in front of her classroom. It was early in the morning and thankfully there was no one else in the room. Baji took a breath and marched into the class, Chifuyu following along with his hands in is pockets.

The blond could tell this plan was set for disaster.


Y/n almost jumped out of her seat at the call of her name - was Baji ever going to stop startling her when approaching her? - looking up from her notebook and at Baji, who wore a confident grin.

A sigh escaped her lips as she leaned back in her chair and closed her notebook. ''What is it?''

''Let's go out today after school!''

Chifuyu had to mentally restraing himself from face-palming.

''What? No.''

The only thing that could've gone wrong in his plan went wrong. Fuck.


''She rejected me, Mitsuya,'' Baji sulked as they sat in front of a convenience store, waiting for Draken, Mikey and Hakkai finish buying food. Chifuyu and Mitsuya, noticing Baji's sour mood, stopped him outside so they could ask him what was wrong; Chifuyu knew, of course, so he was mostly there as a witness to the interaction. ''She didn't even think about it after I asked her to hang out.''

''You gave up as soon as she rejected you, though,'' Chifuyu reminded him, causing Baji to roll his eyes.

''Yeah, well, I didn't wanna be pushy.''

Mitsuya clicked his tongue in annoyance. Baji may be a good fighter, but it seemed like he sucked at interactions with his crush. ''You should've tried harder, Baji. You can't move forward if she doesn't agree to hang out.''

Baji let out a sigh. ''Yeah, I guess. I'll try again tomorrow!''

''Yo, guys, we got the goods!''

Okay, he could think about how to approach L/n tomorrow. The snacks were very much calling him now.


Y/n was starting to wonder wheather she was ever going to get a peaceful day or if Baji was going to bother her for the rest of her high school career. She was scared that the latter might turn out to be true.

''Just go out with me!'' Baji sat on the desk in front of hers - it was lunch and the classroom was, as usual, empty. Unfortunately for Y/n, though, Baji had decided to pester her once again.

''I already said no,'' Y/n said as she closed her notebook. It had become a habit closing it around him, it wasn't like she wanted him to see what she was writing. It felt weird showing people you knew.

''C'mon, gimme a chance!'' Baji asked again, laying his head on his hand and giving a grin, thinking he was going to charm Y/n into it.

That, however, did not work.

''Will you ever leave me alone?'' Y/n asked. Baji frowned at the continuous rejection, but got an idea and his grin returned.

''Fine,'' he said, causing Y/n to smile lightly. ''I'll leave you alone if you agree to go out with me.'' Her smile dropped.

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