eleven | title

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SUMMER WAS FINALLY THE time when she could simply sit down and concentrate on writing, and not feel bad about not doing her homework instead of enjoying her hobby. Today, she was planning to work on the main characters - appearance, traits, relationships; all the things that came along with them.

Or at least that was the plan until her phone rang.


''Hey pretty, wanna go to the beach with the gang and me?''

She blinked twice before answering. ''Beach? The summer just started, Kei.''

''Exactly, that's why we should make the most of it!"

Sighing, Y/n leaned back in her chair and put her feet over her desk. ''If it's just you and other guys, then I'd rather stay home.''

''Nope, there's two more girls with us,'' Baji said. ''C'mon, you have no reason to say no.''

Technically, he was right. Not writing for a day won't completely disturb her schedule. Besides, she can just bring her notebook to the beach, right? ''Fine. When should I be ready?''

''Awesome! I'll be there in half an hour, okay?''

Baji ended the call and Y/n sighed, leaning her head back in her chair and eyeing her wardrobe. She was finally meeting Baji's friends that she's heard so much about. Damn, hope they aren't creeps.

Standing up from her chair, she picked up a bag she found discarded in the back of her closet and got to packing. As she picked up a beach towel, a gut feeling told her that Baji most likely did not remember to bring a towel with him. Might as well get one just in case.







Y/n couldn't help but snort at all their calls as the boys raced on their way to the beach. She sat behind Baji, clinging tightly to his waist. He was driving so quick she thought she was going to fall out, thus clinging even tighter.

Due to the speeding, it took less time to arrive at the beach than Y/n initially thought. Getting down from the bike, she put her sunglasses on top of her head and watched Baji as he parked his motorbike.

What interested her, however, was that Baji didn't have any bags with him.

''Kei . . . did you bring anything for the beach?'' Y/n asked as he finally turned around to face her.

Baji gave her a grin and pointed towards his shorts. ''My trunks, 'course!''

Y/n almost wanted to face palm. ''No towel, no sunscreen, nothing?''

He shook his head. ''Nope, don't need them.''

''. . . You're an idiot.''

''But I'm your idiot.''

Y/n was not exactly sure if she wanted to slap or kiss his cheek at that moment.

''Good thing I brought a second towel,'' she mumbled under her breath. Baji chuckled and laced their hands together, pulling her to where the group had started heading towards the beach.

After setting up the two towels, Baji was the first one to strip out from his T-Shirt, discarding it in Y/n's bag so it doesn't get dirty. Y/n, on the other hand, had halted removing her own shirt at the sight of Baji, gulping slightly before mentally scolding herself. Don't be a creep, Y/n!

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