nine | paper

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HER WHOLE CONCENTRATION WAS directed towards the purple notebook she was carrying, trying her best not to write wobbly as she made her way to school. She'd reached an idea that she was really excited to write, so she had to note down all the bullet points so it's easier to write the actual scene later.

And then he goes and kicks him and then-

''Good morning, pretty.''

Y/n almost jumped at the sudden words, her train of thoughts coming short. Looking up from her notebook she was met with a grinning Baji and a very tired looking Chifuyu behind him. What caught her attention, though, was the red rose he was twirling between his fingers.

''. . . Good morning?'' Y/n said as she gestured to the flower. ''What's that for?''

''For you, of course, L/n,'' Baji said as he handed her the flower. She took it, feeling her ears and cheeks warm up. ''A pretty flower for a pretty girl.''

''This was very unnecessary, Keisuke,'' Y/n said as she took the flower and twirled it around her own fingers. ''And you do know you can call me Y/n, right?''

Baji grinned at her words. ''Alright then, Y/n.''

She coughed, trying to mask her flustered expression. ''No need to say it like that.''

Chifuyu, having witnessed the whole scene, rolled his eyes at how uncharasterically sweet his friend was being. He turned around and started heading inside the school, speaking over his shoulder. ''Get a room, you two.''

''Oi, shut it, Chifuyu!''


Baji had a slight hop in his step as he made his way towards Y/n's classroom at lunch. Chifuyu couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's cheery mood. As much as he did and will tease him, Chifuyu was genuenly happy for his friend.

He just hoped they won't kiss in front of him.

It was normal for Y/n to be in the classroom writing. It was also not unusual to find her in the classroom reading something. What was unusual, however, was Y/n not being in the classroom at all. Baji cocked an eyebrow at the empty room, looking around as if she was going to pop out of nowhere.

''She's not here?'' Chifuyu voiced the obvious, just as confused as Baji was. This was probably the first time they've seen the classroom so empty.

''Are you looking for L/n?'' Baji and Chifuyu turned around at the question, seeing a guy standing there, a guy he recognized to be one of your classmates.

''Yeah. Have ya seen her?'' Baji asked as he backed out of the classroom to face him properly.

''She left earlier, heard her mutter something about forgetting her lunch at home.''

Y/n went to the cafeteria?

It felt very weird sitting at a table in the cafeteria for the first time in a while. Though, Y/n supposed this was the curse of forgetting her lunch at home. It wasn't that bad, though - no one was approaching her and the food wasn't that bad either. She could survive here for twenty minutes.

''There you are!"

The one person she didn't necessarily mind approaching her sat down next to her, putting his lunch box on the table. Chifuyu sat across from the two, already opening his lunch so he can eat - he was dying and Baji making him wait until they found Y/n had been killing him even more.

She put down the book she'd been reading - the one she'd bought when she went out with Baji a few days ago - and looked at him. ''Yeah, I forgot my lunch in the morning,'' Y/n said as she poked her food. ''I had too much on my mind.''

how to write a book | baji keisuke x fem!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now