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SHE COULD THINK OF hundreths of other things she would rather do than have to awkwardy walk next to Baji's friend as they made their way towards their apartment building. Chifuyu had tried to start a conversation with her and Y/n had responded, albeit with such short answers that the boy had given up not too long after.

If she had to be honest, she had completely forgotten what she promised Baji once the morning had arrived. Chifuyu, however, being the ever-dutiful friend, had entered her classroom just before she was about to leave.

She looked at him in confusion. ''You promised Baji-san you'll tutor him for the week and I have to bring you to his house.''

''Oh. Oh, right.''

And so, the two were now walking side by side, neither of them saying a thing. Chifuyu had taken out his phone by that point and was, unbeknownst to Y/n, texting Baji.

This is so awkward, Chifuyu thought as he typed it and sent it to his friend.

Aren't you guys almost there? Baji had sent almost a minute after. It was hard to type on flip-phones, after all.

Yeah, I see the building. You owe me, was the last thing Chifuyu wrote before he put his phone away and looked at Y/n. ''This is the place.''

Y/n finally looked up from her feet, seeing the relatively normal building. She nodded. ''Lead the way, then.''

Chifuyu walked ahead of her as he walked towards Baji's appartment on the second floor, knocking on the door as he did so. They stood too close and for Y/n it felt like Baji took forever to open the door.

Once he did open the door, Y/n couldn't help but let her eyes widen when Baji stood there with a kitten laying on his head and a cat on his shoulder. Chifuyu didn't seem as surprised, so maybe it was normal for Baji?

''I didn't know you have cats,'' Y/n said. Then again, it's not like she knew much about him to begin with.

Baji looked at the cat on his shoulder and chuckled. ''They aren't really my cats, I found them on the street. They're staying with me for a bit!''

Ah. That makes sense, yes.

''That's . . . nice of you,'' Y/n said. ''Anyway . . . Chifuyu, you brought your notes and homework from today, right?''

''It's right here.'' He quickly fished in his bag and brought out a few papers, handing them to Y/n, who examined them. It was simple, really, she'd already done that last year.

''Baji-san, are you gonna let us in?'' Chifuyu said, reminding Y/n that they were still standing in front of the door.

''Oh, shit, yeah!" Baji said and stepped aside, almost sending the cat on his head flying off.

Chifuyu snorted at his friend's action and walked in the house, taking off his shoes and putting them aside before going in further. Y/n took a moment before stepping in as well, feeling rather awkward under Baji's and the cats' gaze.

''You can put them here.'' Baji pointed towards the side after he watched Y/n hold her shoes for good ten seconds in confusion. Y/n nodded and quickly put her shoes down, then waited for Baji to walk further into the house.

Sitting in skirts was uncomfortable. That was universal knowledge. Y/n was sat on top of her legs so there's no peeks and her legs were going to get numb soon. Alas, she didn't have much of a choice.

''Do you need help, too, Matsuno?'' Y/n asked when she noticed that he, too, was sat at the coffee table with a notebook at the ready.

''Wouldn't mind it.'' Chifuyu shrugged, leaning his cheek on his hand.

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