fourteen | editing

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IN Y/N'S OPINION, BAJI had started acting sort of weird in the past few days. He's been much quieter than usual and she hasn't seen him with Chifuyu in a while either. It was weird, really - as if Baji was a completely different person.

''. . . so yeah I'm like halfway through the first draft now-'' Y/n cut herself off, noticing that Baji was looking forward as they were walking down the hallway, but he wasn't watching where he was going, considering he almost pumped into a trash can Y/n had to pull him away from. ''Kei? Keisuke?''

Baji finally snapped out of his thoughts, looking at Y/n. ''Did'ya say something?''

''I've been saying things for a few minutes now,'' Y/n joked, trying to lift up the mood. Baji chuckled weakly. ''What's up? Is something wrong?''

Baji seemed to be in thought for a moment, as if unsure of what to answer. He had bags under his eyes and Y/n wondered what was going on with him. ''Yeah, it's all good. Just had a late gang meeting, that's all.''

For some reason, Y/n didn't want to belive him. There was more to it, she was sure, but she didn't want to force the truth out of him if he didn't want to share. ''You know you can tell me anything, right?'' Y/n reminded him, giving his hand a squeeze.

Baji smiled, giving her a nod. ''Of course. It's really just not big of a deal, that's all.''

Still, Y/n didn't fully believe him.

''Oh, by the way, I finished my jeans for Halloween yesterday,'' Y/n updated him on their Halloween costume situation. ''Bless Mitsuya for his skills and will to help.''

''That's great,'' Baji nodded. ''I also found two cowboy hats I think would fit. I'll bring them when we're trying the costumes.''

''Then the work is just about wrapped up!" Y/n cheered. Making the costumes had taken quite a while of her free time, but if they were going to make Baji happy, she didn't mind.

''So, you're halfway through writing the first draft now, right?'' Baji asked, remembering the bits of her rambling he'd heard earlier.

Y/n nodded in confirmation. ''Yeah. I haven't really been able to write much because of school and preparing the costumes, but I'll get back to it after Halloween.''

''Sorry for making you do all the work,'' Baji rubbed the back of his neck. ''I know we said we'll make them together, but I've been really busy lately. I'll make it up to you, I promise.''

She waved him off with a shake of her head. ''Don't worry. Next year, though, I'm choosing what we're going as.''


Arriving in front of Y/n's classroom, Baji let go of her hand so she can go in. Before he allowed her to leave, though, he pecked her cheek sweetly, causing her to chuckle. ''See you, pretty-''

''Baji Keisuke!'' The two turned to see their Physics teacher, Kawahara-sensei, walking towards them with an angry expression. ''No public display of affection on school grounds!''

Y/n couldn't help but stifle a laugh as she scolded Baji in the middle of the hallway and quickly made her way inside the classroom so she doesn't get scolded as well. She was sure Baji would go off at her for ditching him later, but she'd rather not have half the grade see her getting scolded over a kiss on the cheek.


Baji was not only quieter than usual, but also clingier than usual. The two were laid on Baji's bed, him laying between her legs and resting his head on her chest. He was most likely half-asleep by now and on one hand, Y/n was glad he getting to rest, since he seemed to not be able to get enough sleep recently.

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