Mascaraed- Inkmare

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It has other ships but Inkmare is the main focus also this is empire verse. Also Feminine Dom! NM. yes you heard that 100% correctly.

After Ink and I had started dating, a truce was signed between the two empires. Afterwards, Dream had decided to host a mascaraed party to celebrate, well rather Blue was the one who wanted to celebrate the truce. He decided to have a competition in it as well All the couples had to wear matching mascaraed masks.

I had decided to wear a dress since I thought I would look good in one. The one I had bought was this lovely ballgown with one sleeve. It had a galaxy print with a large light coming from one side. Colorful lace covered the top part of the dress. I though it fit us both in color and a bit in personality, as well as what we do as hobbies. My dark color liking and his love for rainbows. I used to love looking for constellations and ink protects the vast multiverse. I tied the golden ribbon with a moon the same color as the dress around my waist and asked Ink if he needed help with his side of things. He said he was doing fine putting on his suit so I decided to put on my mask. It was a dark cyan with accents of every color of the rainbow. Blue beads, purple gems, and pink sparkly petals. After he put on his mask, we headed out to the to the carriage. Then we headed off to Dream's castle.

When we arrived I left the carriage, went around to where Ink was sitting, and held out my hand. "Shall we."

"Yes indeed we shall," He replied with a smile. Ink grabbed my hand and I led him to the large steps of the castle. We stepped inside and Horror whom Dream let guard the castle during the ball, asked my name. "Nightmare and Ink."

"K, you wanna go in then to the left."

We did as he said and came to several large curved archways which lead to a massive ball (that what she said) room. Many people were conversing amongst each other as there was no music being playing on the stage at the moment. I let go of ink's hands. "I'm going to go look for Dream, You can go hang out with whoever. "

"alright." And so, I headed off. I walked through the crowds of people. As I walked through the room, I looked around at the banners that hung on the walls when I finally found him. He was sitting on a throne on a raised platform at the end of the room. I walked up to him. He noticed me and he stood up. We had told each other what we'd be wearing before this so we'd be able to guess He was wearing a Sunset theme with yellow, gold, a hint of red and purple, and black.

"If you'd like there's two more thrones for you and you're date next to me and Cross'." Sure enough when I looked to the side Cross sat in the Throne to the left of Dream's.

"I will actually, Just let me find him first.

After I found him I walked back to the other end of the room. We talked for a good while when Dream signaled for the musicians to start playing. I grabbed Ink's hand and we twirled in the dim moon light. As the song faded away I dipped and kissed him on the lips. Ink leaned in to deepen the kiss as I lifted him from the dip. As we parted from the loving kiss, we heard cheering around us I looked at Ink to see that he had taken off his mask. He looked at me, his eyes glimmering in the pale moonlight, one a yellow star the other a maroon heart, and his smile, seemingly the only thing that gave me joy, was brighter than it had ever been before. With that I knew it was the right time I knelt down, as difficult as it was being in a dress. I was lucky that the dress had pockets as I had grabbed a small box from one. "Ink I've loved you for a long while, and I've been wondering," Ink gasped as I opened the box, " Ink will you forever be my queen, and marry me?" His hands held his mouth as he cried silent tears. The silence had seemed to go on for hours though it had only been a few seconds.

He then shouted, "YES!!!!"I leaped on to him. I never wanted to let go of his embrace. After we got home, we showered each other in kisses as I carried him to my room that I now plan on sharing with him from here on out

816 words (is this a new record for me)

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