Anxiety- After death

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This was requested by XylinaMoonFlower

I was planning on spending the night at Reaper's house. He texted me yesterday that he'd be at work for a little while at the time when I said I would come over, so he just told me to make myself comfortable and that he'd be back soon.

Soon it felt like he'd been gone for too long and starting to make me worried and anxious, very anxious. What if something happened to him. I heard one side of me say. I'm sure he'll know how to take care of it.
What if someone hurt him.
Even so, he is a god he can't die from that anyways.
But what if...
Before I knew it my breathing began to quicken greatly.
What if
I spaced out on my anxious thoughts.
What if
I couldn't even hear the door open behind me

Reaper's POV.
At last I finished work. I got home a bit late because some of the souls were being rather finicky this afternoon but that's not the point. I opened the door only to see Geno having an anxiety attack. I quickly shut the door behind me and walked over to the couch. I would've ran in panic myself but I didn't want to scare him more. I crouched down beside him. "Geno can you hear me?" I spoke in as calm of a voice as I can. "It's going to be ok look at me" His head slowly but surely let his eyes meet mine. " There we go."
"I I W Wa as so so wo worr ried abo out you ou" (I was so worried about you)
"Well I'm here now. Let's calm you down. Name me five things you can see."
"You, the TV my scarf, the coffee table, and um the wall.?"
"Good name me 4 things you can feel"
"My pants, the couch, my other hand. I can't think of anything else."
"Feel around"
"I guess your cloak."
"Good job. Can you name me 3 things you can hear."
"Your voice, the TV, the wind outside."
"Two things you can taste."
"Tears and ketchup"
"One thing you can smell"
" Your cologne."
"In my defense it masks the smell of dead souls."
Geno giggled a bit. That's good at least he's not stressed anymore.
"Are you good or do you want to keep breathing with me." I asked
"Yeah I think I'm going to be okay."
"Wanna cuddle for a bit."
"Yeah" I sat down on the couch beside him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He snuggled into my chest and eventually fell asleep. I myself felt my eyelids flutter coming to a close allowing me to slip into a peaceful sleep.

455 words sorry for taking so long to post another chapter after school and trying to catch up with my other hobbies as well as finding new books for me to read myself I barely have time to finish  these I have like 3 other unpublished drafts I need to finish.

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