Chapter 3 - Jealousy Boils

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~ 3rd Person POV ~
"I'm going to my job interview" Ash said not bothering to look at Paul
"it'll just be a minute Sawyer" Gary whispered to the chofer
"yes sir" the green haired man said as he closed the door of the car and waited
"Paul I'm grown so if you don't mind I'll be going" Ash said turning his heals to head inside the car until Paul grabbed his arm
"Paul can you please let go?!?" Ash said yanking his arm away
"no, you are staying here" Paul said as Ash rolled his eyes
"as for you, he doesn't need your charity" Paul retorted to the auburn
"no one said he did, but I thought it'd be best to offer him the job considering you only pay him $10 an hour which is pretty cheap" Gary shrugged as Paul felt fired up

"how much i pay him is my business, don't think your pay would be any better" Paul retorted as the auburn sighed racking his hair
"only $18 an hour" he said looking at his nails as the chofer let out a small whistle as the two chuckled
"who does this guy think he is?!?" Paul said yelling as Gary grinned
"Paul don't make a scene!" Ash scowled
"I'm not! But how on earth can you want to work for such a cocky, arrogant, jerk as him?!?
"he's not any of those things! you started it Paul!" the ravenette said putting his hands on his hips
"whatever" he rolled his eyes

"now how about you head back to your cafe, and clean tables housewife" Gary said waving a hand dismissively
"that's it! Ash hold my jacket" Paul said taking his jacket off and shoving it to Ash making the boy blink and holding it
"he's not your coat hanger, real men fight with a jacket on" Gary said as he approached the cafe owner towering him since he was taller than him

"okay stop!" Ash said getting between them but got shoved by one of them by accident making him fall back
"ah!" he screamed
"Ash are you okay?" Gary immediately bent down to help the boy up
"yeah I am thank you Gary" he smiled as Gary picked him up making Ash basically be held close by the auburn
when he was picked up Ash smiled and blushed at the man which Paul noticed making him scowl

"what the hell is going on??" Reggie says as he comes out of the cafe with Delia
"there's people saying there's a fight outside, so i demand an explanation" the brunette woman retorted
"you see mom, I'm trying to go to a job interview here but Paul won't let me" the boy said crossing his arms
"Paul just let him go the interview it's not the end of the world" Reggie sighed
"thank you" Ash said giving Paul a scowl as Paul rolled his eyes

"and who may you be?" Ash's mom said with sparkling eyes looking at the auburn haired man who gave her a gentle smile
"Gary Oak" he smiled taking her hand and giving it a kiss as the woman blushed
"what a gentleman" she giggled as Ash giggled
"I know right?" he said again with a giggle as Paul scowled
"not you too" he groaned and stormed off as Ash sighed

"I'll talk to him, but go ahead and go to interview Ash" Reggie smiled and jogged after his brother as Delia cleared her throat retrieving her hand from Gary's
"I better go too, text me if anything Ash" she smiled hugging her son as he smiled returning the gesture
"I will" he smiled
"take care of Ash please" she smiled at Gary who nodded
"I will" he smiled as she walked off and Ash sighed

"I'm sorry" he frowned as Gary smiled
"it's not a problem, I'm sorry for making a scene myself, and I'm sorry if I was the one who shoved you on accident" he said genuinely as Ash smiled
"it's okay, thank you for helping me up" he smiled as Gary smiled once more
"should we go now sir?" the chofer said as Gary nodded
"yeah let's go" he said with a nod as the chofer opened the door to let the two in and drove off

"I wasn't being the jerk! Ash knows he shouldn't run off with a person he just met" Paul said stomping up the stairs to their mini apartment like house with Reggie behind him
"Paul you could at least get to know this Gary and guy and just sort out your differences
"I don't need to, he's so ignorant" Paul said as he served himself a glass of water and chugged it down
"Paul you've been like this for a while you know" the purple haired man started as he leaned on a wall
"what the hell is that supposed to mean?" he glared as Reggie sighed
"it's been like 3ish years you've been all controlling of Ash, you sure you're not having a little crush on him?" Reggie grinned easing an eyebrow as Paul spit out his water
"no! what the hell?!? I grew up with him, I'm just looking out for him for god's sake!" he scammed with a a warmth decorating his cheeks
"whatever" the man cooed as Paul rolled his eyes and continued drinking his water

"wow" Ash said dumbfounded as he got out of the car and faced a pretty building as Gary grinned
"welcome to Oak Industries" he chuckled as Ash giggled
"anyways let's go inside, thank you Sawyer, you may go on your lunch" Gary smiled at the green haired man who nodded
"thank you sir" he smiled
"thank you Sawyer" Ash smiled as the man gave him a smile as he drove off

"hey Barry, don't worry he's with me, by the way this is Ash" the auburn smiled as he passed by his blonde haired bodyguard who smiled
"gotcha, welcome" he smiled as the boy smiled back and bowed in repeat
"thank you" he smiled and then caught up to Gary who was opening up an elevator

"so how old are you? If you don't mine me asking" Ash smiled trying to get distracted after the doors closed and hung tightly onto a near bar, he hates elevators Gary noticed and grinned
"25" he grinned once more
"how about you?" he added with a smile
"23" he smiled lightly taking a deep breath
"oh really?" Gary raised an eyebrow as the ravenette nodded with another smile
"you're the same age my wife would've been if she was still here" Gary said with a small smile as he spaced off
"oh so she was younger than you?" Ash blinked as the auburn nodded
"so if Ashley is 5, she had her at . . . 18?" Ash said with a slight stammer not trying to sound too judgmental
"yeah" Gary let out a grin seeing the ravenette's reaction as he nodded

After showing Ash around a bit Gary smiled at him once more
"if you do accept the job after the interview, all you have to do is track my appointments, meetings, etc. it's pretty self explanatory so don't worry too much if any mistakes are made" Gary smiled as Ash smiled back with a nod
"thank you, then tomorrow at 4?" Ash smiled
"mhm, I'll have Sawyer pick you up" he smiled as Ash nodded
"okay, thank you once again" Ash said bowing in respect as Gary smiled once more
"no problem" he said as they chatted a bit more then he dropped him off at his house

"see you tomorrow, take care" Gary said smiling as Ash smiled back with a hum
"mhm, I'll see you, take care as well" the jet black haired boy said reaching for the car door until Gary stopped him for a second 
"just one more thing before you go" he smiled as he grabbed the ravenette's hand and gave it a kiss making Ash feel a blush creep up his cheeks
"b-bye" he stammered and left as the man kept a wide grin on his face.


A/N: how do you like the jealousy? lol i'm kinda tired so sorry if it wasn't as great but i did my best, i hope you liked this chapter!! 🤍

thank you for reading!! :3🤍🤍

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