Chapter 10 - Past Tragedy's

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~ 3rd Person POV ~
"ugh finally you're dressed" Paul grinned as Gary walked out the door of his room dressed after rinsing his hair
"Paul shut up" Ash scowled
"whatever we're going home" Paul grabbed his arm as Ash scowled
"no, I'm spending the night here" Ash said yanking his arm away
"what?" both Paul and Gary blinked
"you heard me, I'm spending the night with Gary, and I'm gonna tell my mom" Ash said getting his phone out

"what no!" Paul scowled
"yes, I'm 23, I have every right to spend the night here, I'm gonna take care of Gary" Ash said and started looking though his contacts as Gary grinned at Paul making his blood boil
"he's 10 years older than us he can take of himself for goodness sake's!" Paul retorted
"I'm 2 years older than you, thank you" Gary scowled as Paul rolled his eyes
"Paul let me just take care of him, don't know what you thought when you bursted into the bathroom but whatever the heck it was, it wasn't what you thought" Ash put his hands on his hips
"well tell us what did you think when you bursted into the bathroom??" Gary raised an eyebrow
"well I thought you guys were you know" Paul made hand gestures as the both Ash and Gary blushed getting the message

"y-you're so dirty minded!" Ash blurted out
"well can you blame me?!? I heard the splashes and the giggles coming from you" Paul said
"and you saying 'don't pull my hair' then 'that feels good' didn't help" Paul blurted out as the auburn shook his head
"my daughter is literally downstairs! Goodness!" Gary said with a sigh of frustration as Paul rolled his eyes
"okay I'm sorry" Paul rolled his eyes shaking his head
"I can't believe I grew up with you" Ash sighed as Paul opened his mouth
"this ridiculous I need to call my mom" Ash said and left

"what are you pretending?" Paul crossed his arms
"what do you mean?" Gary grinned
"oh please you obviously aren't sick you look pretty much cured if you ask me" Paul rolled his eyes
"I was sick but Ash bath, and soup really helped me, are you just jealous you're not getting his attention?" Gary pouted
"I'm not!" Paul scowled
"well, I'm going to invite him to sleep in my bed tonight" Gary grinned
"you're so dead" Paul muttered
"hm, jealous" Gary cooed

"Gary do you have a spare room?" Ash smiled
"hm, yeah i do unless you'd like to sleep in my room" Gary smiled
"uh I'd love to but, I am a bit of a heavy sleeper I wouldn't want to kick you in my sleep or something" Ash giggled
"up to you" Gary shrugged as Paul scowled
"although if my fever comes back I'd like you'd be with me" Gary said as he kissed the boy's hand making him blush
"o-okay then" he smiled with a blush as Paul clutched a fist
"okay right this way" Gary smiled

"Paul can please leave now? Thanks" Ash glared as Gary smirked at Paul making him even more fired up
"if you feel like screaming go outside" Gary chuckled as Paul scowled more

"you're so gonna get it" he muttered

As the next morning came along Ash woke up with arms around his waist and blushed turning to see Gary right next to him, cuddling him in his sleep, Ash smiled holding in a giggle at seeing Gary's very messy bed hair which he thought didn't make him look bad, he looked very handsome either way
Ash then carefully got up and then decided to walk and explore around the Oak household, as he walked around he saw the very fancy furniture and other appealing house items then he stumbled upon Gary's office and saw a family portrait which had Gary, and his daughter of course, and also a woman who Ash guessed was the man's wife or . . . dead wife was more like it
"I can see why he married her" Ash mumbled seeing how beautiful she was

"you're up early" a voice said as Ash jumped and turned to see Sawyer
"h-hi, I didn't see you there" he giggled nervously
"I see you now know what Angie looked like" he smiled looking at the portrait as Ash nodded with his eyes trailing back to the portrait
"so her name was Angie" Ash blinked with a small smile
"yes, it was" Sawyer smiled
"I won't lie you remind me a lot of her" the man added with a smiled as turned to him
"I-I do?" Ash blinked
"yes, besides having black hair like yours, she too was a kindergarten teacher and she also had your personality, shy, but very sweet" Sawyer said as Ash blushed because of the man's kindness
"oh I see" he smiled

"if you don't mind me asking . . . " Ash trailed off after a small silence
"how did she uhm" Ash but his lip
"passed away?" the man questioned as Ash nodded slowly
"well it was in a very tragic way, she died in a car accident" the man said as Ash nodded

*2 Years Ago*

"you nervous?" the woman smiled wrapping her arms across Gary's chest
"kinda but it's fine, I've done many presentations in the past, but I can't wait to show you the new collection later" the man smiled looking up at the black haired woman with a smile as she smiled back
"I can't wait, anyways I better get going" she smiled adjusting her earrings at the mirror as Gary smiled
"sounds good" he smiled giving himself one last glance at the mirror
"I'll get going, see ya later then" he smiled going to her and giving her kiss and caress on the cheek
"I love you" he smiled after giving her another kiss
"I love you more, don't forget that" she smiled back as the man smiled and the two departed

"hey Crystal, hi my little princess" the man smiled carrying the baby girl and giving her a kiss on the forehead
"so I'm guessing those are the pictures of the new collection?" the maid smiled as Gary nodded
"yup, they turned out so good, can't wait to show Angie, where is she anyways?" Gary smiled
"she hasn't arrived yet" the maid blinked
"oh? I guess she's running late then, or something I did tell her to come home early I hope she didn't misunderstood" Gary mumbled looking at his watch
"I'm gonna call her" Gary said getting his phone out

After a couple attempts he sighed
"she's not answering, I don't understand" he blinked as the maid looked concerned
"I'll leave her a message then" Gary sighed once more
"hey babe where are you? I'm at home and you're not here yet, call me back please . . . I love you" Gary said then hung up
"I hope she calls back" he blinked as the maid nodded

After hours Gary got a call
"Sir, they're calling from the morgue . . . " Crystal said shakily as Gary blinked
"hello?" Gary answered
"this is he"
"what?" Gary's lip quivered
when hanging up the phone Gary threw it at the wall making the maid jump as he sobbed and fell to his knees
"Sir what happened?" Crystal blinked
"she's gone Crystal!" the man sobbed and hugged her
"Angie's dead!" he sobbed more as the maid bit her lip also getting emotional hugging the man back as the chofer watched the scene looking at man in sorrow

*Flashback Ends*

"since then I never thought I'd see Sir Gary happy again, but I guess I was wrong" Sawyer smiled at the boy as the boy blinked his tears away very touched by the story
"why do you say that?" Ash blinked
"because, ever since Sir Gary has met you he seems a lot more happier" he smiled
"he loves you" Sawyer added as Ash blushed
"I guess so" he shrugged looking away as the man grinned

"let's get breakfast, Sir Gary and Miss Ashley will wake up any minute by now" the man chuckled as he left and and Ash's followed after giving the portrait one last glance
"yeah" he said smiling following Sawyer

'does he really love me?' Ash thought to himself taking the chofer's words in consideration.


A/N: sorry about the more emotional chapter, i really wanted to add in more background about Gary's wife so i hope you all liked that despite it being sad, but i hope you did like that comedy in the beginning. 😂💖💖

i hope you enjoyed thank you for reading, votes and comments are very appreciated, have a good day/night. >///<🤍💖

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