Chapter 24 - Christmas (Part 2/2)

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A/N: hiii i'm back !! :D🤎 sorry for taking forever to update, i got hit with covid. qwq but i'm doing much better so, i decided to write !! i hope you enjoy !! 🥰


"thank you for taking me Christmas shopping Sawyer" Ash smiled as he got his shopping bags
"no problem Ash, it was a pleasure" Sawyer smiled sweetly as Ash reached for a Christmas bag
"here's a little something for you Sawyer" Ash said happily handing the man the bag
"you didn't have to Ash, but thank you very much" Sawyer smiled
"it's okay, don't worry about it, it wasn't a bother" Ash shrugged
"thank you once again Sawyer, give Gary and Ashley my regards. Merry Christmas" the boy said as the chofer smiled
"I definitely will, Merry Christmas" he said happily

"hi Paul" Ash giggled trying to hide his many shopping bags
"hi?" Paul blinked and got up analyzing the boy
"I can help you with those bags" Paul smiled as Ash screamed making Paul back up
"what the hell?" Paul furrowed his eyebrows
"sorry!" Ash said in humiliation
"these are top secret so I need no help!" Ash blurted out
"what's with you?" Paul blinked
"nothing now let me handle these bags alone" Ash said
"you won't be able to" Paul grinned lightly
"I'll help you I insist"
"no, no, no!" Ash pouted as Paul rolled his eyes
"if you let me do my thing then I will reward you" Ash cooed as he got on his tippy toes to reach Paul's face making the purple haired man's cheeks glow pink

his charm worked

"like what?" Paul said suddenly interested
"I'll let you kiss me under the mistletoe on Christmas" Ash giggled and kissed Paul's lips lightly
"gay" Paul muttered
"I know you are" Ash giggled making Paul scowl
"or . . . " Ash giggled
"I'll sleep in your bed tonight, and we can cuddle all night" Ash said fluttering his eyelashes as Paul sighed and finally agreed
"deal then" Ash smiled and kissed Paul lovingly before going up the stairs with all his bags as Paul stayed a bit starstruck before sitting back down on the couch

"I'll be upstairs for a bit, you need anything from me?" Ash said as Paul shook his head
"what are you gonna be doing?" Paul asked
"Christmas present wrapping! So I'll see you in a couple seconds!" Ash giggled going up the stairs as Paul sighed

With the night coming around Paul started dreaming

*Paul's Dream*

"Ash I'm home" Paul said as he put his car keys on a side counter and went to give Ash a kiss who was cooking
"I'm glad, how was work?" Ash said smiling sweetly (he's dreaming about them being married btw)
"good, how was your day?" he smiled
"great" Ash smiled as the door opened again
"I'm home!" a voice calls out as Ash happily rushes to it as Paul blinked confusingly
"Ash, who . . . ?" Paul started until seeing Ash kissing Gary
"oh Paul don't act dumb" Ash giggled
"you know we're in a polygamy!" Ash giggled as Paul furrowed his eyebrows
"no! I want this marriage to just be us! No Gary included!" Paul scowled yanking Ash
"but Paul, i am in love with you both, plus it's fair, I get to be with you two. the two men I love!" Ash giggled holding both their hands as he kissed Gary then Paul

*The End Of Paul's Dream*

Paul then suddenly jumped from the dream and was breathing heavily which woke Ash up who was sleeping on his chest
"something wrong?" Ash mumbled rubbing his eye as he lifted himself up giving Paul space
"j-just a bad dream" Paul sighed as he sat up
"you want me to make you some tea? Or do you want warm milk?" Ash frowned racking his hair
"n-no don't worry about it" Paul smiled
"okay, well lay down" Ash smiled as Paul did so as the boy snuggled up in his arms
"goodnight, I hope you have better dreams tonight" Ash smiled
"I love you" he added before placing a kiss on the other's mouth
"I love you too" Paul mumbled with a smile as Ash dozed off

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