Ch 14 The End

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Published 11/26/2021

I walked through the many halls of the tower trying to make my way back down the mountain, killing whatever remained of the orks. While also looking for Legolas.

But I stopped before I rounded a corner hearing talking.

"I... I can not go back"  Legolas's voice filled my ears. My body seemed to relax automatically after hearing his voice. A sigh of relief escapes my lips knowing he was alright.

"Where will you go?" Thranduil's own voice questioned out to his son. My body tensed. I wasn't a very big fan of the elven king and he was not a big fan of me.

"I do not know. I will go where ever Artemis wishes" my heart warmed as I reached up to cover my mouth feeling myself start to smile.

"Go north.. find the Dunedin. There's a young ranger amongst them.  You should meet him" A female voice spoke.

It was a voice unlike I have ever heard before. Calm and smooth. Almost as if it was a river. Filled with grace and beauty.

"His father Arathorn was a good man. His son might grow to be a great one"  the elf king stated.

"What is his name?" Legolas questioned his tone slightly curious.

"He's known in the wild as strider, his true name..... you must discover for your self" the king went on.

It was silent for a moment.

"You may come out my dear" the unknown female's voice called out echoing throughout the stone halls. I flinched knowing I had been caught eves dropping in on a royal private conversation.

I slowly came out from around the corner watching as Legolas's shoulders seemed to relax seeing that it was me and that I was alright. His eyes doing a quick once over, over me.

I gave him a kind smile as I moved to stand next to him wrapping my left hand around his right one intertwining our fingers together. Giving it a light squeeze of comfort and also a silent greeting. Feeling a spark where our skin touched.

If it were not for the fact that his father and the woman were standing before us I would have already jumped him in a hug and kiss.

I glanced between the elven king and the female elf.

Taking my time to fully take in her beauty.

She was the definition of beauty itself.

She had beautiful white/pale blonde hair with pale fair skin with the slightest undertone of pink and beautiful ice blue eyes. Her armor though clashed with her beauty as it was mostly leathers with pieces of metal and covered in stray marks of paint.

The longer I looked at the armor the more it became familiar.

A flash of the rider on Smaug flashed in my mind. The armor was identical.

"You were the one riding Smaug!" I gasped out in shock. My jaw slightly dropping in the process.

A large smile made its way to her lips showing off her Snow White teeth.
"I did indeed child, I am Athena it is a pleasure to meet you"

My eyes grew even wider. Athena?! As in the Queen of Mirkwood?! Legolas's mother!

But, she was said to have died long ago! Taken by a dragon during a battle!

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