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published 7/21/2020

My eyes shot open as I launched myself forward gasping for air. One of my hands reached up and covered my mouth as I began coughing harshly as air entered my lungs. The sun was high in the sky telling me I had been out for quite some time.

My eyes cracked open as I starred at the gravel-covered ground. My breathing slowly returned to normal as I weakly looked around me. The air was full of ash and the smell of smoke.

I felt completely drained of energy as if it has been sucked from me.

As I carefully moved to stand up a sharp pain from my side made me hiss.

I fell to the ground landing on my knees as my hands went to my side. Glancing down at myself I saw that my dress was burned in multiple areas and I had small burns covering my arms. But my side...had a large laceration. Blood was pooling out of it rapidly.

Shit. That's not good.

Hearing fast coming movement coming towards me my headshot to the right. My body stiffened as I saw two young girls and a familiar redhead elf.


I smiled at her weakly as they all ran towards me, dropping to the ground in front of me. Her hands immediately went to my side as she put pressure on the laceration. Causing me to hiss in pain.

" You're the goddess who saved us" the younger girl whispered in awe as she gazed at me in wonder.

I smiled at her kindly feeling my cheeks heat up.

"im no goddess young one" I shook my head.

"But you have to be. What you did was incredible. I've never seen anything like it before in my life" the older girl said in shock as she looked at my hair and eyes.

I smiled at her kindly but before I could make a comment an airy male voice whispered in my ear.

Go to the water, the water will give you power

I turned my head from side to side trying to find the owner of the voice and to see if the others had heard it. But from the looks on their faces, they didn't.

I gently pushed Tauriel away from me as she protested but I ignored her.

I shakingly made my way closer to the lake as I dropped to my knees.

Normally whenever I became wet even if it was just a drop of water I would transform but... This time felt different.

I leaned down and placed one of my hands just below the water.

I inhaled deeply as I felt a calm relief wash over me. I watched in amazement as a thin layer of water began to crawl up my arm and slowly moved over the rest of my body.

My jaw slightly dropped as the burns on my arms washed away as if they were never there. I glanced down to my side and gasped lightly as the water washed away the wound and blood leaving my skin clean and clear.

I didn't feel weak anymore. I felt as if I had not just been in a battle with a dragon only hours ago.

I slowly stood up looking down at my hands in wonder as the water returned to the lake leaving me dry.

I turned around and looked to see Tauriel and the two girls staring at me in shock and awe.

"You are a goddess" the girls whispered in awe and shock.

"ive never seen anything like that before" Tauriel whispered stepping forward to look at where the wound once was.

My dress was still blood-soaked and filthy with some of it burned but other than that I was completely fine.

"We must hurry back. People still need help" Tauriel stated as she grabbed my wrist and began leading me down the lakeside quickly.

The young girls right on our tails.

I almost tripped at the scene in front of me.

The beach was covered in the survivors of Lake Town. But bodies also lay all along the ground along with debris.

The survivors were surrounding a man who was screaming at them.


"Winter is upon us. We must look to our own."

"to the sick and the helpless. Those who can stand, tend to the wounded. And those who have strength left, follow me. We must salvage what we can." the dark hair man ordered.

" in what then?"

" what'll we do then?"

People began to question.

I stepped forward.

"We rebuild!" I called out gaining everyone's attention.

Multiple gasps can be heard from the crowd as the separated and made a path for me.

I walked forward and stood next to the man.

"thats who saved us"

"she's the one who fought the dragon"

They all began whispering.

"We must work together if you wish to survive. We are going to need everyone's help." the dark-haired man watched me curiously along with the rest of them.

"My name is Artemis, I am the daughter of the God of the Seas and the last of my kind, I may not be one of you but I will not sit back and watch as you lose your hope. You are the people of lake town are you not? When has life ever been easy for any of you? You are all fighters! So continue to fight" I gazed at the people around me as they looked at me in awe.

I turned to the dark-haired man and held my hand out to him. He was the leader of these people now. With his hand, he grabbed my hand firmly and nodded his head in thanks.

Before letting go with multiple men following him.

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