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Published 11/1/2020

I think I found the perfect actress that could play Artemis! I think Amanda Seyfried looks perfect for the role and u can imagine her if u want. Also so so sorry about this late update! I got a job and I work nights! It's hard to find time between school and work to find time to write and update😭 so forgive me!

It was early morning when the sound of metal clanking against itself caught my attention. Standing up I made my way to the door giving a quick glance back at the sleeping siblings. Exciting the house I crept along the buildings making sure to stay hidden in the shadows and alleys. Glancing around a corner I spotted the shining gold armor of the elves. They were heading to the mountain to confront Thorin. This was not good.

I had a horrible feeling.

I ran back to the house quickly and slammed open the door. Startling the children awake.

"What? What's going on?!" The three panicked.

"We need to go now! Something bad is coming and we must prepare" I told the children while gathering up whatever I could.

"We must warn everyone" I stated and grabbed hold of Tilda's hand, dragging her along with me as her siblings followed.

"Everyone!" I screamed out.

"We must get further into the city! Head to the tunnel!" I screamed out as people came out of their homes to see what was going on.

"What do you mean?" A woman questioned holding her child close to her.

Just as I was about to speak a Monstrous roar echoed throughout the air. Sending a spike of ice through me, making me freeze.

"Orks" barely a whisper passed my lips.

"GET WHATEVER YOU CAN AND RUN! ANYONE WHO CAN FIGHT HELP PROTECT!" I started barking out orders as everyone began to panic and run.

"Get the children out of here! Man, women, if you can hold a weapon help me" I pulled out 3 small knives from my hip and turned to the 3 siblings who looked scared.

I bent down to their level and gave each of them the knives. I stared into their eyes seriously. "I'm going to keep my promise to your father, I'm going to protect you with my life. I need you three to stick together and be brave. Take care of one another." I moved the hair off Bain's face and smiled at the sisters.

"Be brave and have courage my young warriors" I smiled as tears stung my eyes.

I stood up feeling a familiar power grow within me. I would fight to protect these people till my last breath.

" My Lady!!! Trolls with catapults approach" a man screamed out to me in panic. I nodded my head and looked down at the 3 siblings.

"Go, follow the others I will have your back" I pushed them gently in the direction of the running people. They looked reluctant to want to leave me but with a finale push and a glance they were off.

"Father, Mother, my fallen people, give me strength" I whispered and turned around and headed to the main walls of Dale.

I raced to the walls looking up at the sky I could see giant Boulders heading right for us.


The Boulders hit the outer walls and watchtower. I climbed to the top of the wall to see a mass army of orks and trolls charging the walls.

I took in a deep breath feeling a comforting cold overtake my body similar to what I had felt when I fought Smaug.

The frozen rivers surrounding dale exploded sending shards of ice everywhere. The screeches of orks filled the air as they were impaled by the frozen water.

The water slowly rose around the city creating a temporary water barrier. I didn't need to keep them out forever just long enough for the people inside to get somewhere safe.

I held my arms out in front of me trying to keep them as steady as possible. It felt like I was holding thousands of pounds of weight. It hurt but I would hold this wall until I fell.

More Boulders came flying and slammed into my wall of water making me flinch and my knees to shake.

A light sweat started to cover my skin as I focused everything on the wall.

An angry ork scream echoed throughout the valley just as a buzzing sound caught my attention. I glanced up just as a large black arrow punctured through my shoulder making me let out a scream of pain.

My wall faltered for a moment giving
A large troll enough time to charge my wall of water wearing some kind of battering ram on its head. Oh no. The wall wouldn't hold!

"I can't hold it for much longer! I screamed out. "Prepare for battle"

The troll made contact and the impact made me losing control of the wall and it came collapsing down. I stumbled a bit but regained my footing.

Reaching up I took in a deep breath and ripped the arrow from my shoulder.

I had to fight. I had to keep my promise.

Swarms of trolls flooded into the city wearing armor with weapons in hand.

"THEY BREACHED THE WALLS! WARN EVERYONE!" I screamed out as I held two daggers in my hand slicing at any approaching ork.

I could hear the cries of the men as they fell and fought.

"Hold the line" I ordered out as I dodged a spiked club. I spun around and buried a dagger into the orks face before ripping it out getting blood on my face.

There were too many of them. "Fall back!" I screamed as I pushed the humans in front of me.

I put my daggers back and pulled my bow off my back notching 3 arrows before firing them at the orks.

I could hear the screaming of the people further in the city echo out in the air. The orks had made it to them!

Bain, Tilda, Sigrid! I ran as fast as I could to where the screams were coming from.

Please don't let me be too late

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