ch5 (edited)

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Published 10/22/18 edited 7/15/2020

Hot. That's what I felt, I felt like I was burning. I had never felt so hot before in my life.

I cracked my eyes open and blinked my eyes a few times as all I saw around me was red.

I carefully stood up as I felt very dizzy and light-headed looking around me I watched as people run by me screaming in fear. I turn and reached for a young girl who was running by me but my hand goes right through her. I gasp and step back staring at my hand in shock.

My skin was light blue and completely transparent. I slowly look to the ground and I saw my body was also blue. I covered my mouth taking a few steps back in shock. What was going on?! I was dead?! A flash of everything that has happened crashed into me. As tears welled up in my eyes. I saved Legolas, I gave him back his memories, I told him I loved him................... I died.

Glancing all around me I saw that everything was on fire and burning, people screaming, children crying. What was happening?! "Child" a voice called out causing me to around and come face to face with an owl perched on a nearby railing. It was snow-white with brown markings. Its large black eyes were focused on me.

I watched in shock as the owl was consumed in a blinding white glow and transformed into a beautiful woman with large beautiful white wings. She wore a short tunic looking white dress with brown leather armor. And attached to her hip was a large ax with a black leather handle. On the metal of the ax, we're multiple ruins I had never seen before yet I felt like I could read them.

It's not the things that you can see that you should be afraid of.

I took a few steps back away from her. "Wh-who are you" I stuttered out. "Be still child for I shall not harm you" she said walking closer to me. I held my ground until she was only a few feet away from me.

"I am your guardian, my name has of no importance" she spoke softly her voice was so soft and gentle. "Your time is not yet up, in your life of the living, you still have much to do, I shall give you 2 gifts, one shall be your life and the second one shall be that half of your soul shall be awakened" she spoke to me with a kind smile.

"What do you mean half my soul shall be awakened" I questioned kinda freaked out.

"My dear you are the daughter of the God of the Seas" she stated simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. My jaw went slack at her words. Me the daughter of the God of the Seas?! She grabbed her ax from her hip and lifted it into the air. I froze and covered my face with my arms scared of what she was doing.

I felt the impact of the ax but there was no pain. Instead, I felt warm and cold at the same time. I cracked my eyes open and found myself laying on the ground where I had been stabbed. I could hear screams of terror and extreme heat and the sound of fire crackling. I sat up slowly and looked at my hand. My hand was no longer blue nor transparent.

I was alive!! I looked down to where I was stabbed and moved the torn fabric of my dress and saw only a large scar.

I heard a small hoot and turned around and saw a familiar white owl sitting on a railing starring at me with its big black eyes. I smiled at it gratefully "Thank you," I whispered before hopping to my feet running off.

I felt a new kind of power flowing through my entire body. I felt strong, stronger than before. I was not just a mermaid but I was also a demi-god. I ran into a building and went straight for the roof.

As I looked at lake town in flames a dark powerful voice got my attention. They're flying in the sky was a dragon.

That dragon was Smaug.

I felt a change happen in my body, I felt a cold sensation run over me like cold water. I glanced down at my body and saw glowing blue markings start to appear over my skin. I even felt it in my eyes. I gazed up at Smaug.

Let the battle begin.

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