prologue (Edited)

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Posted somewhere in 2018

Artemis that's my name. A long long time ago a young elf prince gave it to me as a thank you for saving his life. He was the crowned prince of Mirkwood. His name was Legolas, he was a very kind young elf.

I had saved him from drowning when he was only 10, well looked 10 anyway. Since he is an elf they age very slowly just like my kind.

After I saved his life that day he would often come to see me. Almost every day, just to learn about me and my race. Since we'll, im a mermaid. I'm the last of my kind. He and I grew up together and my feelings for him became one of love over time. I loved him but it was dangerous for me because mermaids can only love once.

If my heart breaks it will turn to stone and stop beating, it will grow old and cold and it will stop and never start again. My body will live but it would be a shell of the mer I used to be.

One day Legolas had come to see me by the river, he told me about a young she-elf named Tauriel he had befriended. He told me about how he had feelings for her and how amazing she was. My heart hurt at those words. He had fallen for another. That day I told him I loved him and that I would never forget him.

Then I grabbed his face with my hands and kissed him. When I kissed him a single tear slid down my cheek, when it hit the ground it turned into a white pearl.

I kissed him because I loved him but when I kissed him I took away every memory of him and myself. I slowly let go of him and carefully put my necklace around his neck. It was a green stone with special markings on it. We called it our hearts we would give it to the ones we love. I looked at him one last time before jumping back into the water leaving the one I love with my heart.

For what I thought would be forever

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