ch 4 (edited)

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Just to let y'all know I photoshopped these images together so please tell me which one ya like better I worked really hard on them

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Just to let y'all know I photoshopped these images together so please tell me which one ya like better I worked really hard on them

(note 7/12/2020: WTF did I do?! Man, that photoshop is ROUGH!!😬YIKES)

Published 9/29/18 edited 7/15/2020

I was shocked by what the ork had said along with disgusted. Using one hand to hold the knife I reached back and grabbed an arrow from my quiver and lodged it into the orks head causing it to scream and stumble backward giving me enough time to slice it's throat with the knife killing it.

Leaving the body ran off trying to find the dwarf and kill any orks that got in my way. Just as I rounded a corner I heard a loud thud and saw Legolas get thrown into a wall with a much larger ork about to kill him.

My eyes widen in shock and without even thinking I push myself into a sprint getting in front of Legolas taking the blow that would have ended his life.

My eyes widen at the pain I felt in my chest. My scream of pain was lodged in my throat not allowing any sound to pass through my lips. "NO" I could hear Legolas scream.

I glanced down at the blade that was shoved through my chest blood soaking my once pure white dress. My knees gave out from under me and I fell to the ground with a loud thud.

The ork ran off leaving me and Legolas behind. I was laying on my back trying to take in any air that I could.

Legolas's fearful face soon came into my view. Blood was running from his nose, his eyes were wide in shock and filled with so many emotions. He shakingly reached for the sword to pull it out but I stopped him. As I weakly grabbed his wrist. I gave him a sad, gentle smile and shook my head. It's too late.

"It's no use I made my choice" I whispered as I coughed feeling blood drip down the side of my lips.

"Why....why would you save me" he whispered on his knees. Starring at me. I weakly lifted my hand and reached for him. He grabbed my hand gently holding it to his still strong beating heart.

"People do crazy things when they're in love" I smiled at him and let out a weak chuckle. I finally did it. I told him I loved him.

His eyes widen even more but before he could do anything I reached up with what strength I had left pushing my arms around his neck.

Pulling his lips to mine, my eyes closed while his were open in shock for a moment but soon closed after. I was giving him back his memories of us, for they were no longer mine to keep. As I slowly pull away and look into his eyes, he opens them and looks at me in shock. Tears gather in his eyes as his fists clench.

"Why....why" he whispered sounding like he was about to break. "I'm sorry Legolas, I truly am. But I do love you with all my heart" I smiled once again and reached up and grabbed the greenstone around his neck my heart. "This is my heart, I gave to you Long ago, Yet you still hold onto it, you never broke it or threw it away" I spoke slowly, my eyes slowly starting to close.

" Artemis, don't you dare leave me, don't you dare close your eyes" he yelled grabbing my face with his smooth warm hands. Even now as I die his touch still gave me the warm comforting shocks.

"Don't you dare leave me" he cried out holding me to his chest, tears now rolling down his face. "I could never leave you Legolas...... I love you" I whispered as my eyes shut. The last thing I heard was his cries and pleads for me not to go.

----3rd person----

Legolas felt Artemis's body go limp in his arms. His heartfelt completely and utterly broken, he had just remembered who she was and now she was gone.

The love he had for her when he was young and the love for her he had gained in the short time he had known her without his memories burned in his now broken heart.

He gazed down at her beautiful pale face as teardrops fell onto her cheeks. He shakingly leaned down and pressed his warm lips to her cold ones.

Then pulling away only a few inches "please don't leave me... I love You" he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers. Praying that she would open the familiar eyes that he oh so loved. After a few moments, his grief turned to lust for revenge. He wanted to hunt down the ork who had killed Artemis and had taken her away from him.

He gently layed Artemis down on the ground pecking her lips and forehead one last time. He was saying goodbye. Except for this time, there would be no reunion like last time.

He stood up and ran to a near stable grabbing a horse to chase after the ork. Furry raging in his heart. That ork would die by his blade. Even if it was the last thing he did. He would avenge his love. His Artemis.

Author note is she. Really dead? Is this the last time we will hear of Artemis the last mermaid and her love story with her Prince Legolas?

Comment on what you think is she dead or is she alive. And what will happen in the future, comment on who should live and who should die for the next chapters because soon a battle of the five Army's will begin

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