Ch 9

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Published 8/18/2020

Legolas was very reluctant to leave my side but he soon did after much argument. He had to go to gundabad and I made him take Tauriel with him.

While he was gone I stayed back to help the people get to Dale. It was the only shelter other than the mountain for miles.

I wrapped Tilda and Sigrid tightly in a blanket trying to keep them warm. The ground was covered in a light snow making the air much colder.

As we entered the ruins of Dale you could feel that the air was much heavier. Almost as if it was full of the lost souls that died among these walls.

I would have loved to see what Dale looked like in its glory.

"Make camp here for the night. Find what shelter you can. Get some fires going." Bard called out.

I ushered the girls into one of the many old homes. "you two settle in and I'll get a fire started" I smiled at them as I began to untie the wood I had carried with us and pulling out what little hay I had.

After smashing two rocks together a small spark lit the wood and hay on fire. Creating a nice source of heat lighting up the dim room.

I glanced over at the two sisters who were cuddled up against one another. They had been through so much in the last few days. They must be exhausted.

"hey Artemis" as a small quiet voice called out to me.

I glanced down at Tilda who was staring up at me with her beautiful blue eyes.

"everything ok Tild" I used her nickname I gave her.

"Are the stories about mermaids true?" she tilted her head in curiosity.

I smiled at her and chuckled. I could only imagine what stories are out there about my kind.

"depends on what stories you're talking about" I poked at the fire making sure it didn't go out.

"well, some of the fishermen said that you could control them with your voice" she stated kinda bluntly gaining a light shove from Sigrid who gave her a pointed look.

I chuckled "yes it's true, my kind can use our voice to control people. It's kinda hard to explain."

"so can you sing without controlling people?"

"Yup. Now I think it's time for you girls to get some sleep. It's been a long couple of days for all of us" ignoring the annoyed groan that came from Tilda.

"will you go to sleep if I sing to you" I rolled my eyes with a hidden smile on my lips.

Both girls immediately nodded their heads and layed down next to each other. Them starring up at me waiting patiently.

I raised my hand and began to run my fingers through Tilda's hair. Starting out with a low hum I let the familiar lyrics flow from my lips.

Hush now, mo stóirín
Close your eyes and sleep
Waltzing the waves
Diving in the deep

Stars are shining bright
The wind is on the rise
Whispering words
Of long lost lullabies

Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing

Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea

I had a dream last night
And heard the sweetest sound
I saw a great white light
And dancers in the round

Castles in the sand
Cradles in the trees
Don't cry, I'll see you by and by

Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing

Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea


Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing free

Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea

Grá go deo

With that, the two young girls were fast asleep. Dreaming of who knows what.

"you'd make a great mother" a man's voice from the doorway caught my attention.

Glancing to the man I gave him a kind smile before slowly standing up and walking towards him carefully to not wake the two girls.

"Thank you, Bard. Are you heading to the mountains?" we walked outside the house making sure to close the door behind us.

"Yes soon, if we are going to rebuild then we will need what is owed to us" Bard stated but was quiet for a few moments " I need to ask a favor of you"

"Oh. yes of course. What is it that you need of me?"

"Watch after my children for me while I am gone. My girls trust you and I'm sure my son will do the same." I was shocked, to say the least.

"Um, Yes of course. I'll watch after them. I swear no harm will come to them until you return" I smiled at him. I had grown fond of the girls in the short time I had known them.

He smiled at me and relaxed his shoulders as if a weight had been taken off of them.

"Bard..... Do you think the Dwarfs will actually give you your gold?"

A dark look casted over his eyes "I don't think they will. But I have to try"

I nodded in understanding. I knew about the curse on the mountain. Dragon fever is what some called it.

"Father" a young boy's voice called out catching both of our attentions.

"Bain" Bard smiled as the boy approached us.

"This is my son, Bain" Bard introduced him.

"Hello Bain. It's a pleasure to meet you im Artemis. Your sisters are inside sleeping with a fire going if you'd like to join them" I gestured to the door. He nodded looking at me carefully before entering the home.

"Thank you" Bard smiled before walking away.

I turned around and headed back inside.

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