ch 6 (edited)

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Published 11/23/18 Edited 7/16/2020

Happy Thanksgiving my amazing beautiful readers.  I'm so thankful to all of you!

I kept my eyes on the dragon. Taking in a deep breath I slowly spread my arms out to my sides wide. Focusing on the water around me I controlled it, feeling it obey my commands it started to form a wall behind me.

I had forced the water near the edge of the town to become solid so that the people of lake town could get to land and away from the fight that was about to break out.

Taking in a deep breath I yelled out to the dragon"Smaug"! The large dragons head turned to me with a sneer.  "Ohhhh and whatt do we have hereee?  I smell a mermaid and"he took a deep breath in "a God" his dark deep voice hissed.  "You have caused enough pain and sorrow you giant snake, and today will be the last time you spill blood" I called out.

But my voice was a mix between my own and another's.  It was deeper and held authority and power.  "Stupid little creature, it isss not I who shall die today it ssshall be you who ssshall take the lassst breath" he growled/hissed before charging at me. I stood my ground not showing any fear. I will win or I will die trying.  But I will not go down without a fight.

  I pushed my arms forward sending a tidal wave of water at the dragon.  Smaug let out a giant gasp of fire. Fire and water mixing together.  Making steam cover the whole area.  "That power.  You are the daughter of Aegir" Smaug growled out.  I spun around trying to find the large dragon. I could not see him through the smoke.  All I could see was the glow of the fires.  "You sssshall die" smaugs face came at me.  I gasped in shock quickly moving out of the way of his giant killer jaws.

I used the water to quicken my movements. I turned around quickly to face Smaug.  Taking in a deep breath I commanded with all my strength the water of lake town to hold the dragon in place.  Giant chains of water shot out from the lake wrapping around the dragon.  I heard a shout I'm the distance and turned my head to see a man with a black arrow pointing it at Smaug. He was going to kill the dragon. Time seemed to slow as the arrow shot through the air.  Hitting the dragon in the chest.

Smaug let out a cry of pain and broke my water chains.  He charged me again grabbing me with his claws.  He flew high into the air before letting out one last cry of pain.  The dragon was dead.  I let out a cry of fear as his body fell rapidly back down to earth.  I could hear multiple screams in fear from the people on the ground. I felt my smaugs body hit the water and then mine.  Two screams caught my attention.

"SMAUG" a woman's voice screamed.

My body became numb.  I starred at the surface of the water.  The surface glowed red.  I felt my legs reform back to my tail.  And then darkness.

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