ch 1 (Edited)

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Published somewhere in 2018 (edited on 7/12/2020)

It's been years since I last spoke to Legolas. I still live in Mirkwood in the same exact river he would meet me when we were young.

Now that I am fully grown I can turn human when I go on land. I still see Legolas but he never sees me, well I hope not anyway.

I was sitting on the bottom of the river close to the castle. On the smooth rocks of the river bed.

I was playing with the bow that Legolas gave me when I was young. It was a special bow. Snow White in color with carvings on it the wood was from Lothlorien. It was a rare wood he had gotten from a friend of his Haldir. The wood will never rot and will never break. The carvings were simple just some swirls and leaves. But nevertheless beautiful. He gave it to me for my birthday one year.

Glancing up at the surface I could hear a ruckus coming from barrels that we're floating.  

Slowly I swam up, my bow ready in hand. Peaking my head just above the surface so my eyes could see what was happening. I immediately spotted what was causing the ruckus.

Inside of all the barrels was dwarves and a hobbit? The Elvish Gates were closed keeping them trapped.

Glancing to the shore I could hear multiple approaching feet. They must be running from the guards. (they weren't the guards)

I fully rose my head above the water which immediately caught the attention of the Hobbit as his head snapped to me a gasp escaping past his lips as his eyes widen in shock. His sound of shock quickly alerted the others of me.

"By the power of," a dwarf said with a white-haired beard whispered in shock as he leaned forward with his mouth agape. "It can't be."

The rest of the dwarfs looked to him for answers "What!? What is she!?" One of them demanded an answer.

"She's a mermaid! Most likely the last of her kind," the old one said his eyes glancing down at the clear water where you could see my tail.

Before anything else could be said the two Elvin guards that we're there were shot and killed with arrows. A swarm of orks rushed out from the leaves, bushes, and rocks. I rapidly pulled an arrow from the quiver on my back, I notched it onto my bow and pulled back aiming at the orks. I rapidly started shooting as many as I could. Trying to keep them away from the weaponless dwarfs.

I had to be careful though. I had roughly 50 arrows with me. Each shot counted.

Out of the corner of my eye, I had spotted a young dwarf with brown hair and no beard jump out of his barrel and up onto land rushing to open the gates that held them captive.

But just as he was about to pull the lever an ork arrow embedded itself into his leg.

NO! Those are covered in poison!

The dwarfs below cried out for him in fear. My heart almost broke as I saw him fall to the ground in pain.

Seeing an ork Approaching the dwarf I aimed an arrow at it but before I could shoot. Another arrow embedded itself into the ork killing it immediately.

Glancing in the direction the arrow came from I noticed that it was a beautiful she-elf with long red hair. It was Tauriel.

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