ch 2(Edited)

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Published in 2018, edited 7/12/2020

Legolas starred at me for a few moments, his eyes scanning over the details of my face looking for answers to his unasked questions.  He glanced away from me, his eyes no longer looking at me but at the metal bars of my cell door.

"You do know your father will kill me. don't you" I questioned tilting my head to the side, my long hair falling down.

My question had made him freeze in his place and caused him to stiffen. His eyes remet mine as he shook his head denying what I had just said"He will not do that,"

"Yes he would, if not kill me, sell me for gold or Jewels," I said in a sad tone as I gazed down at the wet rocky floor of my cell.

"Why do you think he would do that" he questioned me. His hands grabbing ahold of the bars of the door. His face leaning closer to me.

"You saw what I am. I assume you know of my kind and how they are extinct. I'm the last of my people, my kind we're killed and turned into a rare oil. If we weren't turned to oil we we harvested for our tears." I explained as I relieved the horrors of my memories as a child.

"what do you mean you were harvested for your tears?" he questioned his eyes watching my every movement. I glanced at him before looking away.

It was hard to look at him, when ever j looked at his face all I could imagine was the last time that I saw him. I remembering kissing him, I remember when I had to say goodbye to him.

How my heart broke when he told me he was falling in love with Tauriel. I felt a single tear slide down my cheek.

When I opened my eyes I glanced down at the ground where a single white pearl was laying.

I slowly bent down picking up the small pearl. I could feel his eyes watching my movements.

When I stood back up I starred down at the small round white object in my hand. Glancing as Legolas I gave him a kind smile and slowly moved my hands through the cell bars holding it out to him.

Legolas had wide eyes as he starred at the pearl in my hand in shock. He carefully held his palm out to me for me to put the pearl into. I pulled my hand away from his once the pearl was in his hand.

He gazed down at the Pearl in awe not saying a word. "This is why I'm the last of my kind. Men, orks, dwarfs and even some elf's have killed and beat us for our tears and oil," I explained to him causing him to look up at me.

"if you knew the king might kill you or sell you then why did you come with me without fighting?" Before I could answer a guard called out to Legolas. "Lord Legolas The King wishes to see you." The guard called out to Legolas, who looked at me before looking back at the guard.

With out a word Legolas started to walk off to where I assume his father was. The guard didn't follow him, but once Legolas was out of sight they approached my cell causing me to back away from the door.

The guard lifted his hands up to their helmet lifting it off and to my shock I watched long red hair fall around the familiar face of Tauriel.

"What are you doing," I ask glancing behind her in worry.

"I'm going after the orks and I know what the king will do to you," she said quickly as she unlocked the door.

Once I stepped out of the cell she handed me my Bow and Quiver that was full of new arrows. She quickly stripped off her armor revealing her normal clothes.

We carefully snuck passed the guards and into the forest. We followed the river where the dwarfs we're taken. Since Tauriel was an elf she was much faster and was used to running. I could tell I was slowing her down. I came to a slow halt causing her to stop as well as she looked at me with confusion.

"I'm getting into the water, I'm faster there than I am on land," I told her before jumping into the river. I felt my legs slowly combine together and my dress start to dissolve back into my scales.

I started swimming down the river with Tauriel running on land. After a little while we came to a stop when Tauriel had found blood from what it appeared to be one of the dwarfs. I carefully drag my large body out of the water and onto the large stones of the river side. After a few moment my tail separates and my scales become my dress once more. I walk over to Tauriel and examined the blood.

"There's poison mixed with it. One of the dwarfs is injured very badly if we do not hurry he will die." I told her while standing up. The blood was more than likely from the dwarf that had gotten shot with the arrow.

Tauriel spun around with her bow ready and was pointing at Legolas who had been following us since we left.

"I thought you were an ork," she said to Legolas who also had his bow drawn aiming at us. "If I was an ork you would be dead," Legolas said his eyes held a slight fondness.

I looked away from them as my heart started to hurt, it hurt seeing him gaze at her like that.

I was starring at the river ignoring them as the spoke to one another.

But I could feel a set of eyes watching me and a presence walk up next to me.

I slowly turned my head and gazed up. My eyes met the beautiful blue one's of Legolas who was starring down at me. With such fondness.

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