ch3 (Edited)

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Published 9/21/18 edited on 7/15/2020

"Are You alright" he questions me his beautiful blue eyes full of concern.

"Oh um, yes I was just thinking" I lied to him with a kind smile on my lips.

I turned my attention back to the river in front of us. I was watching as the currents pushed and pulled the water. "Are you going to bring back to Mirk wood" I whispered keeping my attention in front of me.

He let out a sigh but I could still feel his eyes on me. "No, we are going to Lake-town," he told me. My headshot in his direction as a large grin made its way to my lips"really" I asked him almost bouncing up and down.

He let out a deep chuckle and nodded his head as he smiled at me gently. As my pale cheeks changed to a bright red and I looked away from him in embarrassment "We better hurry before the orks reach lake town" I said and started to walk from him quickly as my heart raced in my chest. Instead of jumping back into the water, I decided to stay on land, Legolas had decided to walk next to me instead of with Tauriel who was ahead of us. I could feel my skin become covered in goosebumps as his hand barely grazed mine.

We soon took off into a sprint, Legolas wasn't running as fast as Tauriel he was keeping a steady pace next to me.

It was quite between the three of us for a while. "Where did you get that bow," Legolas asked me breaking the silence. I froze a little almost causing me to trip on a slightly raised rock.

"A very special person gave it to me Long ago" I smiled at him while holding back tears, it hurt knowing that I remember everything while he remembered nothing. But it was for the best "What happened to them," he questioned sounding very curious. I didn't answer right away as I focused ahead of us.

"He forgot" I stated simply before quickening my speed. Trying to put some distance between us.

Memories of when Legolas gave me the bow we're fresh in my mind. It was like I was reliving the times that happened oh so many years ago.

I pushed my body to run in front of Legolas and Tauriel. I didn't wish for them to see the silent tears that streamed down my face turning into a trail of pearls.

My hand reached up and clenched the fabric of my dress where my heart was. I could feel my heart cracking more and more the longer I'm near him.

No words we're spoken the rest of the time. After a while, we had arrived at lake town after the sun had set.

I started to make my way to the water and just when I was about to step foot into the dark liquid my wrist was grabbed. The hand sent shock waves up my arm and then throughout my body causing me to shiver in delight of the warmth.

I look back my eyes meeting Legolas'. "Don't do anything before Tauriel and I get there. Alright," he started almost commanding me as he stared into my eyes completely serious.

I starred back falling deep into his blue eyes that hold my heart captive. I nodded not being able to say a word. "And be careful" he added he voice and eyes filled with worry scared something might happen to me.

My eyes widened a bit as my breath hitched in my chest. Without a word, I pulled my wrist away and jumped into the dark cold water. Before he could say anymore.

I felt the familiar sensation of my legs molding together as my tail reappeared.

I looked at the top of the water seeing the reflection of the moon as it reflected off the water. I resurfaced and turned to look back at the shore seeing Legolas was watching me from there.

His eyes held wonder and almost a child-like gleam hidden deep within, the same childish gleam he had when he first met me. I dived back under the blackish water swimming towards lake town. My bow secured in my hand and my quiver tight to my back.

Once I was under the floating town I went to the surface checking to make sure im not seen by anyone.

I spotted shadows from up above jumping from rooftop to rooftop and saw the orks. "Oh no," I muttered and pulled myself out drying my tail off as my legs reappeared.

I carefully followed the orks forgetting Legolas's words of not getting into any trouble and to be careful.

As I rounded one of the buildings hiding under one of the many stairways I saw one of the dwarfs from before grabbing some kind of plant as an ork came up behind him. Glancing around me I saw a butcher knife embedded into a table next to some chopped up fish. Grabbing the knife I launched myself forward just as the dwarf turned around.

I jumped over the dwarf and stopped the orks weapon our blades meeting causing a few sparks to fly.

The dwarf gasped behind me in shock and fear. "Get out of here" I yelled at him as I pushed against the orks blade. The dwarf took off without hesitation.

The ork growled at me in anger and used all its strength to push down on me. I ground my teeth together as my knees started to crumble from the pressure. The blade was so close to my face just the tiniest bit of the blade touched the side of my cheek cutting my skin just enough to make me bleed.

"Well aren't you a pretty one" the ork growled at me it's animalistic voice almost impossible to understand. "The lord would love to have you" he gave me a sick smile.

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