Ch 10

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Published 9/23/2020

I had stayed up all night watching over Bards children, they were very sweet and Bain had warmed up to me quite a bit, but not as much as his sisters yet.

Bard had put me in charge of watching over his family while he took care of everyone else while he made a plan to travel to the mountain. He was really a natural-born leader and was taking such good care of everyone. It amazed me seeing that there were still good humans in the world.

Standing up I stretched my arms above my head hearing the pops coming from my joints,  taking a quick glance down at the 3 peaceful sleeping children then to the window where the bright rays of the sun shown through.

"come on you three, the suns up and I'm sure your all very hungry" I began picking up what little we had while the 3 siblings slowly got up. Making a few sounds of protest but nothing more than that.

As I opened the door I could see multiple people rushing in the same direction and talking in hushed excited whispers. "Follow me but stay close" I ordered the 3 siblings making sure that they stayed behind me.

We made our way to the city square where my jaw almost dropped open as my body went stiff.

The city square was full of an army of elf's decked in shining gold armor and red capes. Glancing to the entrance of the square I could see even more elf's lining the streets leading down the city. There were thousands of them.

It was a sight to behold really and if I was any other creature I probably would be in awe, but I wasn't and I knew what this meant.

I clenched my jaw and fists as I began to feel nervous. I was a fish out of water surrounded by fishermen.

A war was coming.

I turned my head to the right as I heard the sound of approaching hoofs. Fear stuck through me as I saw the King of Mirkwood, Legolas's father, the elf that hunted my people so many years ago, Thranduil.

I immediately took steps back to hide from view in the shadows of the buildings, gaining a few strange looks from the 3 siblings.

I could hear my heart beating in my ears as it raced in my chest. This was the closest I had ever been to the king. The air around him reeked of power and arrogance.

"My lord Thranduil, we did not look to see you here" Bard stated looking up at the elven king sitting on a giant elk.

" I heard you needed aid," Thranduil stated simply and a giant wagon pulled by large horses walking into the square. The wagon was filled to the brim with all different kinds of food.

The lake town people rushed forward in excitement towards the wagon. Where they immediately started grabbing the delicious-looking food.

The 3 siblings rushed forward before I could even stop them and began to go for the food. I wanted to follow but I was frozen in fear.

If I was discovered I could only imagine what would happen.

My eyes stayed focused on the siblings in the crowd. Not wanting to lose them. If needed I would expose myself.

Thranduil then began to move out with his troops but Bard chased after them.


Bard had gone to the mountain to try and reason with Thorin about the gold and what was owed but was refused.

I knew what was going on with the dwarf king. It was the Dragon sickness, it had infected him.

Only 2 things could happen now. Either Thorin snapped out of it (which was unlikely) or go to war with the mountain.

I had a feeling it would not be the first one.

Now all the eligible men were getting ready to fight and we're training. While Bard and Thranduil united their forces and we're creating a plan of attack on the mountain.

I tried to stay in the shadows and out of the field of vision of any elves. If they saw me they would most definitely report to Thranduil.

I sighed and re-entered the house we had claimed as our temporary home. I was making vegetable soup for the children while they were outside talking with their friends.

I hated how cruel the world was. These were children who had been through more than most beings would experience in a lifetime.

Lost their mother
Attacked by a dragon
Losing their home
People they knew dying

And now they were going to experience a war where anything could happen.

I let out a sigh and leaned against the wall looking out the window. "oh Legolas.......... I wish you were here..... I don't know what to do"

I didn't want to admit it but I was scared. After so many years of me being by myself to being thrown into a fastly approaching war which could decide the future of Middle earth.

It was overwhelming really. And I didn't know how to handle other than keeping my mouth shut and to hide my problems.

These people needed me more than I needed myself.

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