CH 12

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Published 11/8/2020

So I decided to try and make a little something for this book. I've been getting more and more into digital art so I decided to try it with this story. I drew this and I hope u like it!




I scream out among the chaos of everything. I had put my bow away and had grabbed a sword I had found fallen on the ground. I was slashing every ork that came my way while looking for the children and directing the scrambling people to safety.

I spun around as I heard familiar screams. Tilda and Sigrid rounded a corner with an ork right behind them. I ran forward just as Bain hit one ork but another quickly appeared behind him pushing him down. Just as the ork brought down his blade I threw my sword through the air.

The blade successfully penetrating its skull making it fall backward. The 3 turned their heads to me shock clear on their face. I ripped the sword from the orks skull and pulled Bain back to his feet.

"Come on!" I ordered keeping them close to me as we ran through the streets. As we exited one of the alleys the girls started to scream out for their father. I took a quick glance in the direction of their screams to see Bard and many other men fighting orks.

Bard glancing in our direction a look of relief on his face before horror as he looked behind us.

I spun around my eyes locking on a large creature with snarling black teeth stood not too far from us.

"Get behind me" I ordered and readied my sword.

As the beast took steps closer to us it raised its massive club about to bring it down on us. Hearing something behind us approach us with fast speed I pushed the children to the ground just as a wooden wagon with Bard in it flew over us, slamming into the beast.

Bard flew through the air slamming his sword through the creature's chest killing it.

Bard stood up breathless as he glanced at us. His children ran to him hugging him tightly, he hugged them back with a look of relief.

His eyes moved to me and he nodded his head with a smile on his lips.

"Thank you"

I smiled and nodded my head back. Smiling at the reunited family.

"We need to go," I told him as the family pulled away from one another. Bard nodded his head.

"I'll take the front you take the back" I suggested and he agreed. With caution, we followed the rest of the people keeping the children between us.

We came to a stop as Bard grabbed hold of Bain.

" listen! I need you to gather the women and children. Take them to the Great Hall in barricade the door do you understand? You must not come out For any reason." Bard ordered as he looked at us seriously.

"We want to stay with you!" Tilda grabbed hold of her father.

"show your father some respect!" Alfrid appeared around a corner

This little rat. I clenched my jaw as the grip on my sword grew tighter.

" you leave it to me, sire. You heard him. " he grabbed Tilda and immediately my sword was at his throat.

His whole posture changed as he looked at me with pure fear. "Touch one of them again and ill gut you like the pig you are" I growled pressing my blade closer to his throat.

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