30: Wake-Up Call

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Behind Ryan, in stumbled Toto, dry blood crusted around his nose whilst his face was completely clean of the chocolate cake you'd thrown at him less than an hour before, if this were a cartoon, he'd have steam puffing out from his ears.

Unfortunately though, his eyes locked onto yours and he stormed over, pulling you up by the arm whilst pointing a commanding finger at the driver sat next to you, "Ryan wants to have a word with you, so I'm taking her into the bedroom so we can have our own chat." Toto said, making you wince as you realised you'd have to face the reality of your actions.

Ryan mouthed a 'good luck' to you, causing you to blush with shame as Toto lead you away from your friends and towards the back of the small house.

It was a cosy place, suitable for Max if he wasn't spending his entire time in Monaco or LA. There were photos of The Netherlands, snippets of his life with his parents in Zandvoort. You wanted to explore these photos more, but instead settled for letting Toto lead you to a bedroom.

When you were both inside, he shut the door behind you, locking it and letting himself sit on the side of the bed.

"I've just realised," you said, "We've never actually had sex on a proper bed,"

You at least thought it was true, most of the time it was impromptu spots or bathrooms attached to bedrooms, but you couldn't recall having ever had sex in an actual bed.

"That's besides the point," He said, "Look, Darling, I love you, you know that."

"I do." you interrupted, walking so that you stood in between his spread legs, "You know that," your voice cracked softly, your hands settling for slinking around his neck.

Toto sighed, "I was speaking to Susie about everything, and Jack is just so young that I don't want him to be without a father," he wouldn't meet your eyes, "So I was thinking..."

"If you want to be with them, that's fine, I can give you that, the life you want." your voice wavered with sadness at the realisation you'd be alone again.

"That's not what I'm saying." He said, hooking his fingers around your belt loops and pulling you into him, "I'm saying that I could co-parent with Susie, and spend time with you for weekends and race weeks."

"You're staying with her?"

He sighed, "I need to properly consider this before I make any marital choices." he leant back on his hands, and in the dim light he looked beautiful.

You relaxed, dropping to your knees gently , and resting your head on his thigh whilst his hand ran through your hair. Your hand squeezing his thigh whilst you let yourself relax on him.

"I told Ryan to take Max to a movie." Toto chimes, drumming his fingers on your upper arm, "So we can live out that fantasy of fucking on a bed," he mused, pinching the skin of your arm.

You snatched your arm away, "I'm just tired, after the party last night I've not slept, and I just want to sleep. Wake me after four hours." You murmured, pulling your jeans off and throwing your bra into the corner of the room, "Don't let me sleep more than four hours, seriously,"

"Ok." Toto said, pulling his shoes off and letting you climb into bed, "I'll wake you up in four hours." He smiled brokenly.

You let your head rest on the pillow, ignoring the cologne on the sheets as you let your eyes fall shut, hoping to find peace in your sleep.


IN YOUR DREAM, YOU WERE floating in a sea of night sky, the inky canvass above you somehow being the exact same one you floated in. There was no shore, you were certain of that, and you could touch the stars if you thought about it hard enough. They were soft under the touch, and melted in your hand like ice cream in the summer heat.

You realised you were nude, your skin disappearing under blackness which doused you in comfort.

"You look lonely," a chorus of voices, vague in their familiarity chimed in the night, "Is it because your lover no longer wants you?"

Your eyes flooded with images you didn't recognise, a with a ring around your own ringed hand, whispers of conversations you couldn't understand.

"I can have a life without him," You croaked, a tightness developed around your throat, threatening to drag you downwards when you saw Toto, or some variation of him.

He was completely nude, save from a leaf covering his dignity, and he walked on top of the endless sea, his footsteps as though he was on a platform, and his eyes were concealed with white. He looked well groomed, his hair near perfect as he walked towards you, the single strand falling in front of his eyes as he crouched down and offered his hand, "Join me," he spoke, his voice dominating the chorus.

"I have to wake up now," You told him, watching his eyes turn black as he dove his hand into his chest, tearing out his beating heart. He offered it to you, "I don't want it," you groaned, pinching the skin of your arm.

"It's for the child."


YOU WERE WOKEN UP by a pressure between your legs, the throbbing member just teasing your entrance ever so slightly as the tip remained in your pussy.

When you gasped, Toto slammed your hips down onto his cock, filling you up instantly as daylight waned outside the window, his hips meeting your ass with a smack.

You whined, his other hand lazily giving attention to your clit, "You didn't specify how you wanted waking up," he grunted, his voice at least five times deeper as he thrust into you again, "I thought you'd appreciated this," he groaned, nibbling your earlobe as you arched your back against him.

The wetness between your thighs bordered on sticky as he continued thrusting into you, his left hand in your hair whilst his right continued playing with your clit. You didn't know what to say, half asleep still had you wanting to take him fully whilst the part of you that was awake wanted nothing more than to shower and get something to eat.

"You're so hard," you soothed now letting him crawl on top of you. He pinned your wrists above your head, holding your hands as he thrust into you gently. Tears brimmed in the corners of your eyes, a product of your exertion whilst Toto continued his strong pace.

"I don't want this to end," he complained, slowing his pace more, "I wish I could capture this image of you,"

You palmed for your phone, snatching it and handing it across to him, "Take a photo, it'll last longer," he pulled your shirt down, covering his cock which was deep inside you, and took a photo of you with your arm over your face.

"Now what do you get out of this?" he asked, hitting your sweet spot as he thrust into you, lazily pawing your clit whilst he pleasured you, "I get a new phone background, and what do you get?" he asked again, thrusting into you harder.

"Do I get you?"

He smiled down at you, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smirk as he fucked you, "What about this instead?" He asked, laying something on your chest as he let you finish.

You felt the cool metal band on your shirt, the jewel awkwardly probing you as it remained in the valley between your breasts. You scratched his neck as you came undone, your body completely spent from a combination of exhaustion and orgasming.

"A ring?" you coughed.

He swept stray hair to the side with his hands, "It's a promise ring, I promise that I'll always come back to you."

You blushed, your cheeks crimson as a bizarre look crossed his face, "Are you okay?" you pressed, pushing yourself up onto your elbows whilst Toto's face paled dramatically.

Without another word, and without more poetic timing, he collapsed onto you, his entire weight pressing you to the mattress under you.

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