31: Ambulance

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THE HUM AND BUZZ of medical equipment was almost enough to make you feel nauseous as the paramedics fawned over Toto - a man who had been stuck on your chest until Ryan came back and pulled him off, helping you to dress him.

You couldn't stop shaking either, a sad side effect of watching the one you love get hooked up to every machine possible whilst you watched in agonising pain as you were unable to do anything.

Something about his episode didn't feel right, and by the way the paramedics looked, you knew it wasn't.

"Is he okay?" You ask, clutching one of Daniel's jumpers that Toto was wearing, "Please tell me he's going to be okay."

The younger looking paramedic placed their hand on your shoulder, weighing you down emotionally and physically as they told you what was wrong.

It was as though someone had stuck cotton wool balls in your ears and then put your head underwater. Everything was muffled for you and your hand squeezed Toto's like your life depended on it. You knew what they had said, but you didn't want to acknowledge it at all.

"Ma'am? Did you hear what I said?" They asked, squeezing your shoulder whilst Toto squeezed your hand, "Your husband has had an angina attack."

You swam to the surface, removing the metaphorical cotton wool balls and straightening your back, "Angina isn't as bad as a heart attack," you stated, smiling as hope burned through your chest. "He's not my husband" you added and watched the faces of the paramedics drop.

"We contacted the wife on the emergency form." One of them said, Ryan's hand on your back, "She didn't answer but texted back saying she was here."

"Sorry I'm late," A Scottish accent bled over the silence, "I had to take Jack to his grandparents." she crooned, tucking her arms under her armpits as she climbed up the ramp and into the ambulance, "I'm his wife."

Ryan excused herself almost immediately, not wanting to be caught up in the drama of Toto's two lovers being in a confined space together.

She watched you like a lion getting ready to pounce, her eyes constantly expecting every next move whilst you stood your ground, the promise ring sitting on your ring finger and mocking her wedding band.

"I'm sorry," She said, turning to the paramedics, "Is there a need to have his whore here too?" she bit and your face flushed red with frustration. She was the most annoying thorn in your side, and this whole situation just pissed you off more.

You cleared your throat, "I can always wait outside," you offered, Toto's grip tightening around your hand as his eyes fluttered open.

"Wait," he urged, "both of you leave,"

Your face paled almost instantly as he let go of you, regaining his own wrist whilst Susie's gaze snapped over to you, "You want me to go with her?"

You spoke at the same time, insisting, "I'm not going with that old had," whilst both paramedics looked at you as free entertainment when they realised what was going on.

Toto propped himself up on his elbows, "Susie, she's not pregnant." he told his wife before turning to you, "And you, stop being pissy toward my wife."

Susie tugged at the skin below the neckline of her shirt, "Right." she frowned, departing from the ambulance as you stood with both hands limp at your sides.

It was almost like you were stuck to the spot until Susie came back in and dragged you out.


"I DON'T KNOW IF I SHOULD congratulate you or slap you," Susie chimed, finally letting go of your arms whilst she stood next to you. "I suppose that means things aren't serious with you two."

You shuffled your feet awkwardly, "I mean, I wouldn't say they're serious." you leant against the fluorescent ambulance. "At least I'm not having a kid with him," you smiled, thinking back to how your dream ended.

"I'd have to disagree," she sadly smiled, "For Toto, it's serious," A breeze rustled past you, chilling you whilst Susie removed her jacket, "He has a family, please understand that."

"I know," your voice broke softly, "I wish this wasn't happening the way it was."

She placed the warmed fabric over your shoulders, "Just make the right choice." she smiled, mounting the steps into the ambulance and disappearing out of view.

What she had meant by that, you had no clue, but there was one thing you knew, and that was you had a lot more to figure out before making a final decision.

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