11: Sleepover

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"It wasn't anything majorly serious," You smiled, your thumb brushing over the empty ring finger. It wasn't the truth, of course, your ex-fiancé had been the love of your life, you met when you were 19, and got engaged by twenty.

For some reason you promised you'd keep yourself for marriage, but that was before the car accident you had been in, the black SUV having left the scene immediately after the collision. You hadn't even thought about it for years - it hurt too much.

"He passed away three years ago, I don't like to talk about it much," You told Toto, folding your hands in your lap. "A car accident."

He nodded, swallowing a bite of what he ate, "I'm sorry to hear that," he was being genuine, you could tell by the way his eyes softened. There was something about the whole encounter that made you soften.

Heat blossomed across your nose and spread under your eyes as you continued eating in a mutual silence. Not the sort of silence that was uncomfortable, but this was peaceful - with nothing needing to be said.

You both carried on eating until you were full, and Toto got his wallet out to pay.

"I'll get it," You reached for your phone, fully prepared to pay. It wouldn't be extortionate anyway, Mason usually insisted on giving you a discount on his food.

He placed his hand on your phone, "It's the least I can do," he winked across at you before sliding the car keys across the table to you. So that you could drive his SUV to your house.

"How about..." You tapped his leg with your foot, "We continue what happened in the bathroom?" You proposed and saw his face light up. In your mind, all you could think about was him taking you from behind in his car before driving you back to your house.

Toto paid the bill and walked with you toward his car, letting you unlock it before gesturing toward the passenger side. The car seat in the back made you nauseous once again - the thought of him prioritising you over his son was enough to make anyone want to vomit, but in a sadistic way it also made you feel alive.


You arrived home with no issues whatsoever, in fact, you hadn't even paid Toto much attention whilst he drove the short journey to your house, and now you were fumbling to try and get the keys in the lock.

It reminded you of the first time you had met Toto, a blush creeping along your cheeks as his hand wrapped around yours and he opened the lock. What was it about him that made you so nervous?

Maybe it was to do with the fact you couldn't remember what state you'd left your house in, or that you'd have to water all the plants if your neighbour hadn't done it - like last time.

Or maybe, just maybe, it was because Toto was mature; he outright owned his house and probably paid someone to clean it so he wouldn't have to walk around doing it. Maybe part of you thought he'd run off at the first spec of dust.

He swung the door open and allowed you to enter first, no light guiding your way into the house - and you couldn't see your cat either.

Toto flicked a light switch and illuminated the immaculate interior. All the plants had been watered, the ground had been vacuumed and washed, and there was a basket of freshly done laundry.

You didn't think too much of it, you'd probably done it earlier but been too busy to remember it, and you walked up toward the stairs, kicking your shoes off before making your way up and entering the bedroom, "I'm gonna get a quick shower, I'll be right out," you smiled and gestured to your room, "If you're staying the night you can look for something to wear, I have some of my dad's old shirts,"

Montero - Toto WolffWhere stories live. Discover now