10: Breakfast at 10pm

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The drive over to the French Cafe was short, something that felt nice despite the guilt that grew in your stomach from knowing you were being selfish, but you wanted Toto to yourself, and he was overworked anyway.

"Just here," You pointed to a parking spot and allowed Toto to park his SUV in it before jumping out, "Jeez, it's cold." you laughed, a shiver running down your spine.

He walked alongside you, and handed you his suit jacket, wrapping it around your shoulders as the pair of you walked into the cafe.

"Bonsoir, belle!" Mason, the Cafe owner and the man that got you into motorsport to begin with, greeted with open arms. His eyes widened as he looked behind you and took in the image of the man behind you.

You chuckled, "Bonsoir, this is Toto Wolff," you introduced for no real reason - Mason was entirely clear on who Toto was - he had a similar business approach.

Toto reached over you, extending his hand for Mason to shake, "Bonsoir, this is a lovely place," he complimented before going off on a tangent in French.

You watched Mason, the greying blonde hair atop his head looking curlier than usual, and his glassy blue eyes looked problems, a burden of his failing marriage. So long as he had this place, he'd be completely fine.

Mason lead you both to the 'best table in the place' as he had proclaimed, before handing you both menu's, and finally departing into the kitchen.

"You smell of cigarettes..." Toto observed, "I hope Ryan isn't rubbing that habit onto you as well as Daniel." he condemned, peering over the laminated paper with all the dishes on it.

Your menu laid on the table, having already known what you were wanting to order, "It's the first time I've smoked in years, and I don't intend to start it up." you crossed your heart with your index finger.

He carried on looking over the items on the menu, part of him looked unsure of what to get, but you knew once he got to that part of the menu he'd know exactly what he was going to choose.

"Good, I don't want you getting sick from those things," his parental side showed through as he spoke, eyes softening as he stood on the moral high ground.

You smirked, "I won't, it makes you taste bad, anyway." you deadpanned, pouring yourself a glass of water.

He dropped his menu to the table, "Keep your voice down," he looked over his shoulder almost immediately, scared that someone was listening in.

"Don't worry about him," you referred to Mason, "he's a good man, and he wouldn't dare speak ill against his idol, or you" you joked and earned an unimpressed look from the man sat opposite you.

He kept looking at you, eyes trained on you before he finally cracked a smile, "Funny," He deadpanned, his hand gesturing to the waiter, "Can I get a coffee, one sugar and no milk, and a blueberry croissant," he looked across to you, the waiter meeting your gaze.

"Is there a please with that? Basic manners, Toto," You smiled at the waiter apologetically before ordering for yourself.

The waiter nodded and left to see Mason whilst you and Toto stared at each other.

You cleared your throat softly, "I need to use the bathroom," you hinted, silently hoping he'd join you.


The tap dropped softly, the sound echoing through the pipes and through the small bathroom surrounding you. You could hear the cooks in the kitchen, the sounds coming through the ventilation system above your head.

The door opened, Toto stepped in and saw you leaning over the ceramic sink. Your hands were shaking, though you were relatively composed yourself, and you knew that he was wondering what the hell you'd called him over for.

He smiled at you, "What are we doing here?" his voice was gravelly and you could tell he was wondering what the pair of you were doing.

"I don't know," You told him, being completely honest whilst he locked the door behind him. He placed his hand on your thigh, making use of the slit in the fabric.

It was easy access to your skin, his palm stretching across your thigh and pushing you backwards until you mounted the sink.

"You look gorgeous this evening," He kissed your jaw, "but I didn't appreciate the show you put on with Daniel." he growled.

The feeling of warmth grew in your stomach, was he jealous? You could guarantee he was.

He made his way down your neck, peppering kisses down your cleavage and kissing over the satin material. Toto continued, kissing your knee, up your thigh until he heard you moan.

"Be quiet," he kissed into your thigh before making his way up to the lace of your underwear, where he kissed up your slit, savouring the way you shivered under his lips.

Your hands rooted deep into his hair, "I thought you said no sex," you heaved between the kisses he peppered on your aching core.

Something about this entire encounter was hot, keeping you on edge as he pulled your panties to the side and licked a stripe up the middle of your cunt. He gripped your bare thigh so hard that you could feel the bruises forming at the contact.

"You taste so good, pet," he praised, using his tongue to circle the tense bundle of nerves that was your clitoris. It was a bizarre sensation, one that caused your legs to shake whilst he gave you head in a local cafe's bathroom.

He continued, now pushing one of his digits into you, teasing you whilst you pulled lightly at his hair. There was something about this all that enticed you, made you want to feel him completely.

"More... please," You begged, and heard the soft chiming of a bell from inside the cafe, signalling that your order was ready and that it would be served to an empty table.

He pulled his mouth away, "Wait five minutes and then follow me out," Toto kissed your leg and got up, leaving you dissatisfied and wanting more.


When you finally mustered up the strength to leave the bathroom, Toto was halfway through his croissant, dipping it into his coffee as he ate it. He had rolled his sleeves up to just below his elbow, golden forearms glistening in the night.

Your food waited on the plate, still steaming in the darkness, and Toto beckoned you over with the same fingers that had been inside you minutes prior.

"So, who are you, really?" He pondered, breaking a chunk from his pastry and placing it on his tongue.

The question hung in the air, heavy in what it meant, but light in prospect. It should be easy to answer, just tell him who you are, but there was something more about it that unsettled you.

Who are you?


You picked at your cuticles, "I'm twenty-four this July," you started and watched his mouth fall open in a 'wow'. Of course he was surprised at your age, he was old enough to be your Dad.

Taking a bite of your food, you continued, "My dad was a paramedic and my mum was a stay at home mum, I wanted to be a race car driver but am fine with what I do," you admitted and swallowed.

You wanted to tell him more but settled on not going that far into your life story.

"I used to be engaged," You blurted out, and Toto started to cough his lungs out.

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