chapter 1

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A/N hey! Guys thanks for reading in advance and i just want to warn you all that this story is full of flashbacks soo yeah....enjoy!!!

(Edited by thinleywangmu)

Marcy's POV

*Flashback*(14 years ago)

"Mommy?"I asked running rapidly towards our kitchen wearing a piece of pink cloth that I imagined as my ballerina tutu and a cute silver tiara with sparkly diamonds on top of my blonde hair that I put up in a bun.

"What is it honey?"She asked softly with an innocent smile looking down at me cause I'm probably just the same height as her knees.

"Can I dance like the pretty girls on tv with pink tutus and a cute tiara like this?"I asked making my best cutest puppy eyes ever.

"Oh honey! I've seen you dance infront of the tv before, lot of times, of course you can dance. Now go in the living room and I'll make you some breakfast okay?"She asked.

"No mom not like that , I want to dance in a huge theater and then the crowds will cheer after I perform."I explained with my cute baby voice trying to make a grumpy face. I crossed my arms on my chest and looked straight to my mom who gave me a confused look.

"So like ,you want to go and attend ballet classes?"She asked and I nodded.

"Yes something like that."I said in a baby voice still crossing my arms on my chest.

"Okay then princess, let's talk to your dad when he comes back okay?" She said petting my chin and I hugged her knees very tight for the fact that I cant reach her waist and then she just chuckled and lowered her body to my level.

"Now why dont you go play with your toys in the living room and watch some cartoons while we wait for daddy and I make some pancakes huh?"She asked and I nodded running fast to the living room and twirling around ,letting my pretend tutu skirt twirl along with me.

After a few minutes of watching some cartoons and going wild by spinning around the living room, I heard some foodsteps coming towards me and then there I saw my mom holding a tray with two freshly made pancakes and a glass of juice.

She made her way towards me and lowered her body to my level because I was sitting on the floor.

"Here you go my Princess ballerina,now eat your breakfast then we can go play if you want after mommy clean your dishes .Okay?"She asked me and I nodded taking the plate from the tray and I accidentally dropped it because it was very hot but then thank god I was holding it not too high and we were sitting on a thick fluffy rug so the plate didn't break.

"Careful sweetheart ,did it hurt? I forgot to tell you that the plate was hot, are you okay?"She asked taking my hand and kissing them both. I nodded and let out a chuckle for the fact that I was clumsy and that my mom kissed my hand cause to be honest it was kinda ticklish.

My mom sat down next to me in a crossed leg position and ate together with me,feeding me the pancakes in which I poured too much syrup so my face got kinda sticky with every bite i took and my mom just chuckled and told me that I'm so cute while wiping my mouth with baby wipes and like always I thanked her with a huge hug.

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