chapter 3

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(Edited by:thinleywangmu)

Marcy's POV

Our instructor Henry came in the room and the class started.We are having another show here in Chicago next week but I was pulled out due to the situation that I assume that Mr.Davids already told him all about the scholarship thingy. I got to go home early and it was perfect cause I'm pretty tired from work already then I had to go to ballet which caused me a lot more pain and cramps.My back just hurts so badly and I need is a little relaxation,I headed to the cafe again before going home ,I guess I just need to see if Christi is still there so that I can get a little relaxation by her massage cause I can't afford spending my money on a spa and someone you know massaging you is way better cause I went to a spa at one time when Macy invited me and I just felt uncomfortable right away.

I walked into the cafe and saw that Christi is still here while Chrissa was laying down on the counter,sleeping peacefully,I wish I was also sleeping right now but with this back pain I don't think so I can manage to even sleep peacefully.I walked towards the counter planning on buying some smoothie I guess cause I definitely don't want to stay up too late.Christi's eyes widened once she saw me and I waved hello and was standing right infront of her across the counter.

"Hey!Christi"I exclaimed and smiled at her looking towards Chrissa who is peacefully sleeping like a little angel with her cute blonde hair on her face and some saliva going out of her mouth but I don't see it as something disgusting cause I think it was pretty cute.I remember when my dad used to tell me how much I look like an angel anytime he could possibly tell me.

*Flashback (14 years old Marcy(Marcy's birthday party))

"Daddy!",I yelled on top of my lungs running towards my dad in the huge room filled with ballons,cakes and everything that seemed to be cute.Today is my fourteenth birthday and mom picked me up from ballet telling me nothing about the party so all I knew was that I'm going home and there I'll celebrate my favorite day of the year with my parents and of course Miss Muffins.Mom pulled up the car infront of a huge venue that I don't know exactly what it is so I was kinda confused.
Mom told me that she'll put a bandana over my eyes cause there's a surprise for me waiting inside,I was thrilled but then still confused,mom guided me to somewhere cause I probably can't see until she removes the bandana covering my eyes and there I was standing in a huge garden with beautiful flowers and the sun was hitting them causing them to shine bright so beautifully.She stood infront of me and handed me a scroll.

"My princess see you in the castle",she said smiling and I gave her a confused look and tried to open the scroll but she stopped me from doing it"Not now ,wait for me to go okay?"she asked .

"What will I do?"I asked really confused on what's currently happening.

"You'll see princess you'll see."She said kissing me on the cheek and walking away from me but I stopped her.

"Wait !!"I yelled but she didn't look back and sooner I didn't see any sign of her in the garden.I was left alone with a scroll.I was scared but I opened the scroll to see what's inside cause out of curiousity I wanted to open it so badly and I can cause mom's not here anymore and she told me to open it whenever she's gone and she already is.I carefully opened the scroll and saw some words written in beautiful italic texts.

"Dear princess Marcy"I chuckled reading the first lines cause it's obviously dad who wrote this because he's the one who loves calling me his princess.I continued reading the scroll carefully and understanding it.

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