chapter 8

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Marcy's POV

1.....2.....3....... and!!!

Henry said and we started dancing,its my last couple of days in this company and in this studio so im cherishing every moment as possible especially those with macy

"Ready for tonight?",macy whispered into my ears and i nodded and did a double piroutte

"Im just kinda nervous i guess",i said shrugging and continued to do my parts

"Miss williams and miss hemmington!!!!",whats happening over there?!,is there something that you want to share with the class?",henry asked and stopped the music ,everyone stopped and their gaze are on me and macy,i gulped in fear and opened my mouth

"Nothing henry i just asked her about some steps thats all ",macy said but henry didnt seem convinced but carried on and continued the class. i looked towards macy with an apologic look and mouthed thank you,she winked and i nodded


What's taking you so long there marcy?!",macy yelled from behind my door and before i can even say anything she barged into my room and looked at me with a surprised look "what the hell do you think your wearing?",she asked and i looked down,i was wearing my usual ripped jeans,a croptop and my black converse,i wasnt comfortable wearing the dress so i decided to wear what's comfortable

"Uhmmm...... the dress isnt comfortable in anyways mace",i whined and she rolled her eyes

"We shopped for that dress so that youll wear it tonight",she whined and grabbed the dress from my closet. Handing it to me "now put this on with no buts. Ill make you look beautiful trust me",she said and i groaned in defense and put the dress on
.after a few minutes of struggling in putting the dress on .i finally went out of the bathroom and saw that serra already arrived.they were sitting on my bed .busy with theyre phones and i rolled my eyes.i stood up infront of them and crossed my arms

"*cough*excuse me*cough*",i said and they looked up at me with theyre jaw dropped

"See i told you it wasnt bad . It actually look pretty awesome",macy said and serra nodded.she stood up crossing her arms and looking down on my feet

"And what do you think youre wearing?",serra asked looking up at me.i bit my lip and answered

"Uhhmm ... my converse?",i said and gulped

"Good thing i know how stubborn you are so i brought you something to wear",she said smiling and grabbed something from her backpack "now wear this",she said handing me a plain black stilleto

"No no no,i cant wear heels ill probably fall flat on my face",i said and macy rolled her eyes

"If you can balance on pointes whats the difference if you wear heals,its actually pretty much easier ya know?",she said winking

"But-",i said but serra cut me off

"No buts now put this on",she said and i gave her the do i really need to look and she nodded.i sighed and put it on.i stood up and surprisingly its actually pretty comfortable

"See told you .you can rock with those heels. Now lets go do your make up",macy cheered and i sat down on my vanity

"Please dont make me look like a clown",i pleased

"Trust me you'll look stunning. Are you doubting our skills huh?",macy said and i sighed.i really am falling for their trap.i will never wear heels nor a dress like this But i guess its worth it considering that ill be leaving in a few days.i sighed thinking about it.after about ten minutes theyre finally done

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