chapter 14

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Marcy's POV

"So who's gonna go first then?",tyler asked

"Marcyy ofcourse!",lilac exclaimed and i gave her a weak smile

"Uhm okay ... so .. uh.. uhm .. never had i ever... uh ... skip a dance class?",i said quite not sure about what i said

Everyone drank exept for kyle and tyler

"Well never skip dance class over my dead beutiful body",tyler smirked and kyle nodded in agreement

"So you skipped class natasia?",donna asked

"Erm yeah quite a few times its not like its such a big deal tho",she shrugged and you can see everyone's emotion turn to a disgust one

"Okay next!"

"Never had i ever went to disneyland!",lilac exclaimed and everyone drank and she whined

"Nu uh not fair ! You all went to disney land already?!",lilac literally screamed in disbelief and crossed her arms like a little baby

"Uhm yeah we all did when were little",donna shrugged

The game went on for like eternity until it was kyle's turn

"Never had i ever watch any STAR WARS movies",he said

Did he say that right? Or am i just haluscinating some stuff

Everyone drank exept for me leaving us there with everyone giving me strange looks

"You've never watched any star wars movie at all?!",asked natasia and disbelief

"Yep never had i ever watched any of them",i sighed running my fingers through my hair

"Also nate ove-"

"I think its good if we go back to the studio maybe arthur's waiting for us", i mumbled standing on my feet and slinging my bag on my shoulder sighing i faced them

"I better go or maybe yall should come with me so that will get there together",i said forcing a smile

"Okay ill go with you"

"Me too"

"Ofcousre i will too"

"Definitely not gonna let you guys leave me here alone",lilac whined and they all stood up

"Nate?",donna asked looking at kyle and natasia

"I guess we'll go to but were not coming to the studio we'll go around the city first besides we still have an hour to spare",he shrugged and natasua smiled mischivly

"erm okay lets go now?",i asked with my voice real low and we said our goodbyes . Once were out of the door and the two are not in sight donna screamed for her life

"i hate her! i hate her! i hate her!",she screamed

"If you didnt call we wouldnt even think about calling you over she was a total bitch earlier ugh she acts as if its her house when basically its lilac's",tyler said in a matter of factly

"I mean she took all my marshmallows away!",lilac whined

"And you know what the worst part is? I was playing call of duty when she took the controller out of my grasp like i was playing with that! Ugh i couldve slapped her or pull her hair but nate was there to stop me",donna said sighing

"I dont know you guys i just i- i dont know",i sighed

"What do you mean you dont know wh-",donna was then cut off by the loud thud of thunder then it started raining like really hard

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