chapter 9

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Marcy POV

"Ill miss you damn much marcy",macy said pulling me into a bone crushing hug

"I-i c-cant b-breathe ",i said and she chuckled then pulled away

Today was the day ill leave this place. Ill leave mom. Leave my friends. And especially my life here. My life here in new jersey is incredible exept for the last few years but all i wanted to remember was good memories and bring it with me to new york city to build new ones and i want it to be incredible and funtastic i wish new york can be my fresh start

"Gim'me a good friendly bone crushing hug will ya?",siennaa asked opening her arms and i walked towards her but then stopped right away

"I can give ya a nice goodbye hug-",i said but she cut me off by giving me a bone crushing hug " b-but n-not a-a b-bone c-crushing o-one",i tried my best to speak and she pulled away. I gasped for air and let out a heavy breath.she giggled and i playfully slapped her tummy causing her to pretend cry while holding her tummy.i laughed at how childish she is .i really am gonna miss this girls.they helped me through every single painful day .i thank them a lot and owe them my life

I look over macy's side and there stood my mom biting her lip.i know  she's stopping herself from crying but you can see a single tear escape her right eye and i walked towards her giving her a hug

"Shhh dont cry mom dont cry please shhh",i said trying to comfort her by rubbing her back and letting her head burry on my neck.she sobbed and i continued patting her back."shhh go on just let it all out then after that it'll be all gone okay ill be back after a couple of years and i already thought you how to use skype remember?",i asked and she nodded still sobbing on my neck "well then i can always call you and we can chat ya know ill call you guys as much as possible. Ill call you when i have time okay?",i asked and macy and serra joined in creating a group hug.they all pulled away and i hold my mom's cheeks with both of my hands

"mom remember this.whatever happens tell me me im just a call away and if ever something happens i will get the first flight to new jersey and ditched my scholarship and new york city do you understand?",i asked and she nodded.i kissed her forehead and i looked towards macy and serra releasing my hands from my mom's face"and now you two dont you dare forget to skype me when you have the apportunity okay. And now you serra just give me a call on whatever happens",i said and she rolled her eyes crossing her arms

"I swear to god ill kill you now.youre even more irritating than my grandmother that repeats everything but yeah surely and positively i will give ya a call okay",she said and i nodded hugging her then facing serra. By this point my eyes are tearing with tears and i wiped some away using the sleeves of my black sweater

"And you miss macy. Dont give henry a hard time and also i know you can do your own make up .youre just making me do yours coz i do it better i know",i said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.i hold her shoulder with both of my hands on both sides "and lastly if ever i mean ever ever ever youmeetacuteguyatsomehwereagainpleasedontkisshimimmidietlyandtellhimyoulovehim",i said and she gave me a confused look

"Chill marcy i didnt understand anything that you said. Can you like repeat it again",macy asked and i chuckled.she opened her mouth but even before she can say a word serra interrupted her

"She just said is that dont pick up random guy on the street and make him your the "one"",she said groaning and rolling her eyes while we both chuckled

"Okay promise i swear to god but ill tell ya right away especially if he's incredibly hot and ohh boys in new york tell them you have a really pretty single friend here in-",macy said but the speakers cut her off by calling marcy's flight

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