chapter 7

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Marcy's POV

"What the hell were you thinking,i know that life isnt easy for you i mean it isnt easy for everyone but you know you dont have-",she said but i cut her off

"I know okay ,i dont have to end my life and blah blah blah blah,i get it serra and i dont even have the intention of doing it so can you just relax,i just really wanna meet-",i said but i was cut off

"Jackpot! Lets go park this baby now,and what are you trying to say again?",she asked and i sighed

"Nothing its nothing just forget about it",i said

"Okay then lets go see macy and go shopping shall we",she said and i nodded


"What the hell happened to you two? Is it that long to park ? Gosh! You made me wait here for a hundred years",macy said crossing her arms on her chest

"Okay we get it sorry for being too long so now can we go shopping",i said

"Yeah we should cause our friend right here that just tried to commit suicide needs a dress for tommorrow",serra said and we began to walk towards a store

"What?!,marcy ! Why did you do that?!",macy asked

"Augg serra!! I told you that it was an accident, i wasnt looking thats why you almost hit me and macy dont panic to much your not my mom",i said and her smile flew away ,i rolled my eyes and went in the store then they both followed me

"How about this one?",serra asked holding a really short black dress which is kinda daring for me,i searched through the racks of dresses and looked up to serra

"Serra no no no i will never wear a dress like that no!",i said

"Fine",she groaned "so what do you want to wear, we searched through every dress racks already",she sighed

"Uhmm i want something not to long that people will think that im very much conservative but also not to daring that everyone would stare at me and think that im a hooker",i said with a smirk crossing my arms and she rolled her eyes

"Fine ",she groaned "whatcha got there mace?",she asked and macy came towars us with a black dress which is way better than the one that serra wants me to try on,it was plain black with a cute little hole over my top back ,long sleeves with laces and its length is just below the knees and just perfect,exactly what i was looking for

"Now thats what im talking about, thats perfect",i said taking the dress from her hand

"Thanks i guess",macy said

"Nice well then you have a great choice after all , i thought you wanted to wear your grandmas dress",she said jokingly and i playfully rolled my eyes and walk towards the dressing rooms

I went inside the dressing room and fitted the dress,its perfect ,simple yet elegant,i decided to buy it so i changed back and went towards macy and serra

"Im buying it",i said

"Okay then atleast we got one down from the list",serra said and i looked at her with a confused look

"What?! Dont tell me buying shoes isnt in your list?",serra asked

"Uhhmm yeah im pretty sure my shoes are nice and perfect okay",i said placing the dress on the counter and pulling out some money from my wallet

"Uhmm may i remind you that 100% percent of your shoes are vans and converse also add some combat boots,so tell me what will you wear with an elegant dress huh?",she asked

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