chapter 6

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Marcy's POV

I finished washing my face in serra's bathroom when i heard her call me ,i walked back to her room and there she was lying on her bed with her laptop on her belly while she stares at it with a huge smile on her face,i walked towars her and sat down crossed legs next to her then i looked on her laptop screen,well she didnt mind me looking on her laptop even if she's talking someone that's how much trust zhe gave me as a friend,i looked over the screen and waved my hand giving a cute wide smile for macy and i if i forgot to mention,macy and serra are also best buddies since i made then meet each other so the three of us are practically best friends and im happy with that

"Whats up mace ",i said and serra gave me a hey girl arent you gonna tell me something look "whats with the look?",i asked

"Well then you dont know huh?",she asked and i nodded still confused "uggg fine marcy then ill tell you,macy told me about the whole new york city dane company thingy, why didnt you tell me about it?",she asked and i looked over to macy that gave me a confused look well she's kinda confused i guess cause whenever there's a big thing going on i wouldnt second thought on telling both of them first

I sighed and look down "im actually not going , ill tell mr davids tommorrow at rehearsals" i said playing with my nails

"WHAT??!!!"they both yelled in unison

"Are you sick or something, this is new york were talking about girl ,what the hell is going on that little mind of yours?",serra asked with furrowed eyebrows

"Yeah marcy what the hell as far as i know you were squeling back at the studio when you heard about the news, what happened?",she asked worridly and if anyone would ask macy is the "mature"/motherly friend youll have in your life

"Im fine but my mom isnt look she's-",i said but serra cut me off

"Marcy elizabeth williams!(she knows i hate it when she says my whole name cause i was actually named after my mom and everyone would tell me that im as gorgeous as her but for me i took all my looks from my dad and no one else and besides i got my eyes from him remember so im practically a girl version of dad) Will you stop thinking about your mom and think about yourslef for one time?",serra yelled at me and macy nodded in agreement,i sighed

"Listen guys i really cant, ill just tell mr davids tommorow and thats it the end, end of discussion okay",i said crossing my arms on my chest and they both did the same and looked at me weirdly which i see very creepy "what?!,i asked and they smirked

"Okay then ms. Marcy lets seeee uhhmm oh! Oh! I know i have the perfect idea why dont we play truth or dare",macy said

"What does that have do to with whatever is happening ?",i asked

"Well......... actually i dont know ",macy said and i playfully rolled my eyes

"Okay then before we play truth or dare,lets just finish this discusion okay? You marcy need to go to new york no matter what and no buts okay ,and we were here to look after your mom okay just leave her to us and she'll be in good hands i promise cross my heart hope to die",serra said using her fingers to make a cross on her chest and macy did the same

"Alright then",i sighed and they cheered" but theres a but",i said and they gave me the okay continue look "once i hear anything i mean anything that happens to mom while im gone i will hop on the first flight here in new jersey and quit my scholarship in new york city, you both understand?",i asked giving them my serious look

"Alright alright we promise we'll take care of your mom okay right serra?",macy asked and serra nodded then i hugged serra

"Agg! Thats why i hate the fact that my house is so fucking far from both of you why cant you just pick me up serra?",macy asked making her best puppy eyes and we broke our hug

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