Chapter 13

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Marcy's POV

I seem pretty excited for a girl whose mother is in the hospital i mean she's in a hospital like i dont even know how worse she looks like let's just hope that it isnt that worst becuase that wouldnt be nice isnt it? anyways im pretty excited to see mom and oh Serra! and macy! ... how i wish theyre alright because theyre the most special girls in my life and i cant afford to loose them nor see them look like those people in movies who got in an accident because thatll just be very depressing to look at

were currently in the car and as expected you cannot have a peaceful day with these people around like lilac is throwing mrshmallows everywhere like where are those coming from? like she have an eternal stock of it next is donna like she keeps on complaining about her ear drums being broken by lilac's constant shouting .. oh how i love them even tho i just met them there's this instant connection of ftiendship and i really think that this friendship would last a


Ages later and we arrived to the hospital the first thing that i did wqs run to the information table to ask what toom my mom was in, she gave me the room number and i ran for my life not even bothering if my friends were running after me . I reached the door and i took a deep breath before knocking, i finally had the confidence to open it so i did. The first thing that i saw was Serra and macy sleeping on a couch and right next to them was a bed with a girl and not just any girl but a woman that means the world to me. Its actually heartvreaking to see her like that but i need to be strong i slowly walked towards the bed while my breath hitches.

I made my way toward the bed and looked at her she doesnt look any worse than i imagine her to be . Gladly she doesnt look anything like it i mean i wouldve burst into tears right now if ever i see her in that position. Tears did threathen to spill but i think those were tears of joy becuase i saw her again . I wiped them and looked over where macy and Serra is laying down they look so peaceful but i wnat to hug them so badly and tell them about the dance company especially macy . I walked towards them and out of my anticipation i shake them lightly. Macy's eyes flickered open and i smile crept down her face same as Serra they both attcked me with a huge hug and we just stood there for a while

"I miss you guys so much", i tried to speak while being squished

"We too! We miss you lots that's why we flew here!", Serra said

"And we are gonna stay here for a week? I guess i dont know but we are gonna stay here for quite some time"

"Good to here that mace but what about mom what happened to her?",i asked and sadness filled their faces


"She's in a coma but she'll wake up soon dont worry marcy"

I sighed and plopped myself on the sofa when suddenly someone burst into the door with laughter

"Marcy! You happy now?! ", lilac asked excitedly. Why would she ask me if im happy?! My mom is in the hospital who would be happy about that?

They all exchanged weird suspecting looks and i return the same look to them . Lilac then made the "o" reaction and fcaed down. What is happening?

"She's just asking you marce if- uhm - uh' may be youre - uh happy because you saw your mom even if she's in that state ", donna fiddled with her fingers and rubbed the back of her neck giving me a not so confident smile . I gave them strange looks but they just smiled at me

"So mrs. Williams you want the ceasar salad right so i got you a diet coke and-",kyle then stopped when he saw us. He looked at mom then to us and donna face palmed herself and so did lilac macy and Serra

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